Forum Replies Created
David Crowther
KeymasterMagic fingers needed (or the post author). Now amended.
David Crowther
KeymasterCancelled due to lack of interest. A pity.
David Crowther
KeymasterThanks to those who came along top the show, and once again to our judge Andy Emery. It will be another day or two until I can get the winning entries displayed on the web site, but the results were:
Action – commendations for Andrew Milne, David Pendlebury, Steve Leather and Linda McLeish. Third: Dave Crowther, Second: Andrew Milne, First: Paul Embley
Pictorial UK – commendations for Paul Gibson, Frank Mellor, Sue Miller, Marcelina Morca, Chris Huxham, Andrew Milne and Dave Crowther. Third: Mike Doyle, Second: Sue Miller, First: Andrew Milne
Pictorial Abroad – commendations for David Pendlebury, Linda McLeish, Ali Milne, Frank Mellor and Andrew Milne. Third: Andrew Milne, Second: Mike Doyle,, First: Chris Huxham
Nature – commendations for Chris Lunn, Linda McLeish, Dave Crowther, David Pendlebury and Andrew Milne. Third: Steve Warwick, Second: Chris Lunn, First: Frank MellorCongratulations to all the winners, and the shield will bear the name of Andrew Milne, who was the clear overall winner with a first, a second and a third (and 5 commendations)
David Crowther
KeymasterFinal reminder: Photo competition show tonight in the clubroom with our new judge Andy Emery. All photos submitted will be shown, with pics from around the world covering climbing, walking, cycling and the natural world around us. Do come along, I’d like to start promptly at 8pm, so please try to arrive about 7.45.
David Crowther
KeymasterEntries are coming in for the competition, thanks to those who have submitted so far.
For those who use their mobile phone for photos the presentation below may be of interest. I use Snapseed (a free programme) for basic manipualtion in phone, and I’ll watch this to see what else I might do with it. Cost is £3.75 for the online talk, and you can watch it for up to 14 days afterwards, more than once if you want. I’ve watched several other talks in this series. Crowther
KeymasterSomeone wanted the words to the hacked John Masefield poem, so here are my scribblings:
”Fossil climber” (Canada) – with minor mod.
A substantial number of climbers
Are competent limerick rhymers.
Perhaps it’s a skill
Of the mentally ill,
Or early onset Alzheimer’s.Albert Camus (1913-1960, French philosopher, dramatist, journalist, activist)
Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead.
Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Just walk beside me, and be my friend.Hill Fever (with thanks and apologies to Poet Laureate John Masefield 1878-1967 and his 1902 poem Sea Fever)
I must go up to the hills again, to the lonely peaks next the sky
and all I ask is a clean line or a track to take me high
And the rock’s rough and the way steep neath the wind’s lonely cry
as the grey mist on the mountain top clears to a bright blue skyI must go into the hills again, for the call of the rushing stream
is a wild call and a clear call that may not stay unseen
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying
as the hare springs o’er the open moor while the curlew’s cryingI must go into the hills again, to the wild wanderer’s life
To the eagle’s way and the deer’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow rover
And a quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trek’s over.Toast:
To the wild places and all who venture in them, tread softly and leave only footprints
David Crowther
David Crowther
KeymasterWe had a good tour of the dead-ends in the old workings in atmospheric conditions, while the meet leader battled with the latest computer-assisted technology and Tom nipped up the Corkstone for a visual check. Nice to have a twinge of adventure in a Thursday walk 🙂
David Crowther
KeymasterA nice walk, thanks Steve! Some of the Monyash locals were around to see us off from the village, and once we’d negotiated the rocks below Ricklow and climbed up the oft-overlooked path the view down Lathkill was great. Arbor Low is always impressive, both in reality and the imagination.
Steve kept us on track with prior knowledge, map and his new stealth GPS.David Crowther
KeymasterAtop Crook Hill, with Andy on the way
David Crowther
KeymasterParking is still free at our usual place,. We’ll meet down by the cafe at 11 as in previous post.
David Crowther
Keymastermore pics
David Crowther
KeymasterAll winning photos now have a short description from the photographer. Take a look at them if you haven’t already done so, in Gallery – Photo Competition
David Crowther
KeymasterIf the winners would like to send me a line or two of text about each photo then I will add it, ore an edited version. It’s nice to read a bit about each shot.
David Crowther
KeymasterAt the high point on Longstone edge