All posts in Club News


The Castle committee met on 15th April and this is the latest update to let you know what we have been getting up to!
• The list of away meets for 2024 is looking healthy. There is still one place available on the Braemar trip (28th May – 5th June). Meets are planned to the Yorkshire Dales (May BH), Northumbria (Spring BH), Cairngorms (May-June), Chapel Stile (June), Dentdale (July), Mid-Wales (August), Galway (September) and the Lakes (November). More info on the website.
• After last years’ successful Alps meet, another trip to Aosta is planned for late June / July. Those lightweights who prefer sunshine rock are catered for by sport-climbing trip to Sicily in October.
• The recent ceilidh was a great success and resulted in a profit which was donated to local mountain rescue groups. Many thanks to Helen for her excellent organisation.
• The pub socials have been most enjoyable. The next one is scheduled for Monday 13th May at the Merry Lads (Lodge Moor) – merry lasses also welcome!
• The photographic competition is taking place tonight in the clubroom at 8pm. Competition should be fierce as there have been 122 entries. Many thanks to Dave Crowther for organising this.
• The committee feel that the new WhatsApp Communities Group has been a success – though a few tweaks may be needed to streamline it. The committee will shortly issue some guidelines which will help club members to navigate WhatsApp Communities. One aim is to reduce the number of WhatsApp posts – for example by encouraging club members to post only in the most appropriate group rather than across multiple groups.
• The committee will also be sending out some environmental guidelines for club members based on British Mountaineering Club recommendations.
• We are planning to update the Castle publicity posters using a selection of photos which reflect the wide range of club activities. If you have any suitable photos please send them to Rosie Twambley or Paul Embley. (Please check with anyone identifiable in the photos that they are happy to be featured in club publicity.)

As always the committee welcome feedback from club members – especially suggestions for meets and other activities. Volunteers to organise climbing and walking meets are even more welcome!

WhatsApp Community


To reduce the administrative work for the club we are planning to bring all the WhatsApp groups under one Castle Mountaineering Club community group. This has been done by a number of other clubs such as Eagle Ski club , Mynydd and Alpine Club. This means that all club members will automatically become members of the Castle community WhatsApp group. Members will then be able to opt to join sub-groups within this. For example, a climbers group, a walkers group, a chat group, bird watching etc.

Members can be joined onto the big club community group and then opt to join the sub groups of interest.
Members will be made aware of the full range of activities which occur within the club.
It will be much easier for new members to see the range of groups in the club and join the ones they are interested in.
By controlling who is in the community group we can manage who is in the other groups. So if a prospective member does not subsequently join the club, or if a member leaves, we can remove them from the community group and automatically from all the other groups they were in.
As before, we can create groups for away meets. Control of the community group allows us to delete these groups when they are no longer needed.
Everybody is used to using WhatsApp – so we know members will find it easy to use.

We will move the Walking, cycling and Climbing groups and all its members over to the new Castle Mountaineering Club Community by the 31st January.
Feel free to join any additional groups that interest you.
Once you have done this continue to use WhatsApp as before.

If you are currently not in a WhatsApp group and would like to be, please email me and I will give you further instruction as to how to join.

Anyone who is not a castle club member or prospective member will be removed from the WhatsApp community and subsequent sub groups.

eg. gardening, bird watching, wild swimming, art. Would you like your group to be accessible to all castle members?
If, yes, once you have joined the community group, “add group”, then add existing group. You and your members will be transferred over to the community. Please consider if this is appropriate for your group, as non castle members will be removed.

Consider creating a WhatsApp group for your meet by “add group” button, followed by “create new group”

If anyone has any questions please or needs help, please contact me


The committee met on 8th January and this is the latest update to let you know what we have been getting up to:
• Recent club highlights have been the talk by Mick Fowler and the well-attended Christmas Meet at the excellent Coldwell Centre on the East Lancashire Moors. Many thanks to Andrew and Ali for the organisation and to everyone who helped prepare the sumptuous Christmas meal.
• The list of away meets for 2024 is looking healthy. Meets are planned to Coniston (January), Capel Curig (Easter), Yorkshire Dales (May), Northumbria (Spring BH), Cairngorms (May-June), Chapel Stile (June), Dentdale (July), Mid-Wales (August), Galway (September) and the Lakes (November).
• After last years’ successful Alps trip to Ailefroide another trip to Aosta is planned for late June / July. Those lightweights who prefer sunshine rock are catered for by a trip to Sicily in October!
• We are organising some skills sessions run by experienced club members including winter skills and navigation. Future sessions may include self-rescue, sports climbing techniques and abseiling. Let us know if you have any suggestions.
• On the social scene, after last years’ successful ceilidh, another has been organised for Saturday 23rd March. Vanda has organised more slideshows and Helen is organising some “Pub Grub” evenings allowing members to share good food and convivial conversation. We are also hoping to hold another photographic competition.
Information about away meets, skills sessions and social events will be posted on the message board.
The committee are continuing to look for ways to streamline club communications and are considering the following proposals:
• Reactivating the Castle Facebook and Instagram accounts. This will allow us to share information about club activities between club members. It will also help us to promote ourselves as an active club to people outside the club, especially younger folk, who may be interested in joining us. We will be encouraging all club members to contribute photos etc which reflect the wide range of current club activity.
• Setting up a WhatsApp Communities group. This is a way of organising the different WhatsApp activity groups which will be helpful to the membership team. Please note that the existing activity groups will operate in the same way that they do now.
• We are trialling a Microsoft programme which will streamline the membership process and reduce the administrative workload of the membership team.
Geoff is working on proposals for the club to reduce our environmental footprint – watch this space for the results.
As always the committee welcome feedback from club members – especially suggestions for meets and other activities. Volunteers to organise climbing and walking meets are even more welcome!

Castle Chronicle – AGM Edition


Many thanks to everyone who made the effort, on a dark and stormy night, to attend the club annual general meeting. This report is to update members who weren’t able to attend.

  • Reports were received from the president, the treasurer, the meets secretary and the membership secretary. It was noted that the club membership is currently a very healthy 112 members.
  • Two changes to the constitution relating to membership were approved.
  • The new committee was approved as follows: Geoff Nichols (President), Steve Leather (Vice-President), Kathy Burgess (Treasurer), Paul Embley (Secretary), Kial Wright (Meets Secretary), Lorna Nicholson (Membership Secretary), Matt Biggins and Rosie Twambley (Communication and Publicity Secretaries), Bill Boley, Vanda Boyd, Julian Brooks, Helen Dunnett, Pete McGlynn, Andrew Milne, Eli Shannon (Committee Members).
  • Thanks were given to the retiring members of the committee: Chris, Gemma, Lin and Richard

The main item on the agenda was discussion of the committee’s recommendations for communications and publicity. Matt and Rosie have done a huge amount of work completing a review of club communications which Matt presented to the AGM. Three options considered by the committee were outlined and comments and questions were received from the floor:

  • Option 1 – UPDATING OR REPLACING THE WEBSITE: Issues were highlighted with the message board and the need to make the website more smartphone-friendly. The problem with this option would be the expense of commissioning changes from Digital Nomads, who currently maintain our website, or from a different website developer. One quotation received was for £5000. However the discussion indicated that we might have “in-house” expertise which could be used to update the website at reduced cost.
  • Option 2 – USE OF MEETUP FOR ALL CLUB COMMUNICATION: MeetUp is a cloud-based subscription service which would meet many of the club’s communication needs and be relatively cheap and easy to administer. It was suggested as an option by Digital Nomads and other website developers. This option was the recommendation of the committee. However the feedback from the MeetUp trial was mixed and concerns were raised at the AGM. These included whether signing up for meets was helpful and problems with instant messaging using MeetUp. The trial had only been for climbing meets so other club groups needed to be involved in trialling it. Many members find WhatsApp useful and it is likely that they would continue to use WhatsApp resulting in splintering the club.
  • Option 3 – NO CHANGE: Andy is not planning to retire as webmaster at the moment. He estimates that he spends about 4 minutes per-day managing the website. It uses a popular operating system and it should be fairly straightforward to train people to administer and maintain the website when he retires. Other members already use the website as administrators though it was noted that this could be complicated especially when troubleshooting was required.

The opinion was strongly expressed from the floor that members had not had enough information to make an informed decision if a vote was held at the current AGM. The decision was therefore taken not to vote on the recommendations but to extend the period of consultation to involve a wider range of club members including walkers and cyclists:

  • A working group involving a wide range of club members will be formed to plan the way forward.
  • All members of the club will be encouraged to put forward their comments and suggestions to the working group.


The committee met on 14th September and this is the latest update to let you know what we have been getting up to.

Recent club highlights have been the successful summer trip to the Alps and the visit of climbing legend Catherine Destivelle. Special mention to Rosa who bravely followed Catherine up Right Unconquerable!
Upcoming away meets are planned to Crianlarich (New Year ‘24), Capel Curig (Easter ’24) and Braemar (May ’24).

Dates for your diary:
• Mick Fowler, veteran of many adventurous mountaineering expeditions, will be giving us a talk at the Grouse Inn on Thursday 16th November from 7.30pm. Mick’s talk is free but “Pie and Peas” will be £11. More details to follow.
• The club AGM will take place at the Norfolk Arms on Thursday 23rd November at 7.30pm. This will be followed by an outdoor-themed quiz with lots of magnificent prizes!
• Bookings are now being taken for the Christmas meet on 2nd/3rd December. This will be at Coldwell Outdoor Centre up on the Pennine moors above Burnley.
• This year’s ceilidh was great fun and another is planned for 23rd March 2024.

Clubroom matters:
Vanda and Paul have spearheaded an impressive revamp of the clubroom. This has included repainting, installing matting in the entrance and a general declutter and tidy-up. A poster for a talk to the club by Don Whillans is to be framed and hung in the clubroom.
If you have any bright ideas for events or activities to make more use of the clubroom please let the committee know.

Changes to the committee:
Several members of the committee are standing down this year. Chris Lunn is standing down having had the unenviable task, as president, of steering the club through the difficult pandemic years. Lin is standing down as vice-president – her finest hour was surely knocking heads together to reach agreement on the future of the clubroom! And Gemma is standing down as membership secretary after doing a fantastic job encouraging new members and promoting the club via social media.
There will now be three places on the committee available. If you are interested in joining the committee please let us know. This is a great opportunity to get involved with moving the club forward to a bright new future!

Review of club communications:
A reminder that the aim of this review is to:
• Simplify communications to make life easier for administrators.
• Reduce the confusion caused by having multiple communication methods.
• Give our communications a more up-to-date look to appeal to younger club members. and make the club fit for the future.
Option 1 is to use MeetUp as the main platform for club communication. The trial of MeetUp will now be paused. We are grateful to all club members who took part in the trial and completed the questionnaire. This has given us useful information about the pros and cons of MeetUp which will help us with our decision-making. Thanks are due to the team who were tasked by the committee with organising the trial and put a huge amount of effort into this.
Option 2 is to make administering the website less time-consuming and make some sections of the website, such as the message board, more user-friendly. The committee will now investigate options for and the cost of making these changes to the club website.
The committee is planning to make recommendations for club communications at the AGM. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for how the website could be updated.



Here is Edition #2 of a newsletter to let you know what your committee has been up to and give you some other club news:
• Recent away meets to the North York Moors and Lundy Island have gone well – with the latter trip including an exciting helicopter journey to the island!
• An enterprising group of club members will soon be off to the Alps.
• The club’s Munro baggers will be kept happy by trips to Torridon (October), Crianlarich (New Year) and Braemar (May 2024).
• After the success of the Easter meet at Capel Curig we are planning a repeat visit next Easter.
• The Christmas meet is booked for 1st – 3rd December up on the East Lancashire moors.
• We recently had a well-attended maintenance day at the clubroom organised by Vanda and Paul. A lot of clutter was removed, Gordon did a heroic job removing cobwebs from the roof beams, David scraped bags of moss off the porch roof and much sandpaper was used preparing window frames ready for painting. Vanda is sorting out heavy-duty matting for the entrance area.
• After the success of the recent New Member’s Meets Gordon, the club’s equipment officer, has purchased three extra climbing harnesses which can be used for future meets and training sessions.
• Mick Fowler will give a talk to club members about his extensive worldwide mountaineering experience on Thursday 16th November. More details to follow.
• The AGM will be held at the Norfolk Arms on Thursday 23rd November.
• The club’s membership process is currently being fine-tuned to comply with BMC guidelines for prospective members.
• Thanks to everyone’s’ willing response to the request to complete the Membership Renewal Form we now have an almost complete membership database which can only be accessed by committee members. For the first time the database includes emergency contact information and indicates those who don’t want photos published on social media.
• For climbing meets only we are planning a trial of MeetUp, a digital event-planning platform. Organisers of climbing meets hope that MeetUp will be especially helpful when assessing what support may be needed for new members attending meets and will avoid confusion by ensuring that communications about meets aren’t spread over multiple platforms.
We welcome any feedback on our activity as well as suggestions for future events. If you think you would like to play a more active role in club organisation by organising meets or joining the committee then please let one of us know.
Paul Embley

What’s the committee up to?

We thought it would be a good idea to let everyone know what we discussed at the Castle committee meeting held on 21st April 2023:
• Geoff highlighted the success of recent club events including the away meets to Scotland and Snowdonia, the ceilidh and the celebration for Charles’ 90th birthday. He thanks all meet leaders and activity organisers for their hard work.
• Future away meets were proposed for 2024 including Roy Bridge (February/March), Capel Curig (Easter) and Braemar (May).
• Now that we have decided to keep the lease on the clubroom, Paul and Vanda are planning a maintenance and cleaning day to be held on Monday 22nd May from 4pm. Willing volunteers needed!
• The recent New Members Meets were a great success. We agreed to ask Gordon, the equipment secretary, to buy three new climbing harnesses for use at future meets and training sessions. We are also looking for volunteers to help organise the next New Members Meet planned for September.
• The committee is currently investigating how the club can streamline and improve club communications including reviewing current methods and trialling new options. This is intended to improve clarity in club communications and to assist in the smooth running of the club.
• We are looking for ideas to reduce the club’s carbon footprint. Car sharing is an obvious way – but we welcome other ideas.
• The membership team emphasised how important it is to have a complete, up-to-date database of club members to allow the membership process to run smoothly, provide emergency contact information and identify member’s privacy requests (such as use of photos on social media). The committee agreed to send out a message to all members encouraging them to complete the Membership Renewal Form and explaining the reasons why it is important.
Finally we are always keen to receive suggestions for club meets and social activities – so if you have any bright ideas please let us know!

Club Room Vote

56 of 98 members have now voted. Voting will close on October 31st so please do yours now. There is an option to abstain and it would be useful if members who really do not mind either way used this to give the committee a full picture of club feelings. If you are having problems voting please email me so I can help. Lin.

Recruitment of working groups on the future of the clubroom and length of tenure of committee members

Message from our Vice President Lin Warriss, dated 14 Jan 2022

An outcome of our AGM was the need to establish working groups to look at the future of the clubroom and tenure of committee posts.  We are now seeking volunteers for the groups, the briefs for which are below.

We are aiming for small groups (single figures) covering cross sections of the membership, with at least some people with topical knowledge.  Groups would initially be convened by a committee member who would look for mutually convenient meeting times but the group could then appoint their own chair and note taker.

We cannot quantify the time demands, but you need to factor in availability for meetings and research tasks, over the next five months or so.  Findings and recommendations to be made to the committee no later than June 2022.

  1. The future of the clubroom. This group will build upon the work already done by the committee to establish whether the club room continues to be an asset to the club and to produce information for circulation prior to an all-member vote.  The vote will be held before our next AGM so that any necessary amendments to the constitution may be passed. Consideration should be given to:-
  • What might be done to maximise the use and user friendliness of the current clubroom to avoid abandoning a unique asset without due consideration
  • Cost effective alternative venues for current and future club activities. (e.g. meetings / socials / training on wall)
  • Provision of cost effective, suitable and accessible storage of our library and equipment.


  1. The length of tenure of committee members. This group will look at the current constitution as it pertains to the committee and produce proposed amendments for consideration at the next AGM.  Length of tenure is the main focus but a couple of anomalies have been identified which would benefit from clarification as part of the process.

The current rules limit the tenure of the President and Vice President to 2 years but do not cover any other roles.

Consideration should be given to:-

  • Established good practice, whether from the BMC or other clubs of a similar size and remit.
  • Encouraging fresh ideas versus losing existing expertise.
  • Practicalities such as changing banking authorities every time the treasurer and other signatories are changed.

If you would like to join one of the groups, please email Lin Warriss (Vice President) on stating which group you would like to join and whether you feel you have any particular knowledge which might support the group.  This should be done before Friday 28th January so that the committee can discuss group membership at our February meeting.

Follow up from Lin, dated 21 Jan 2022

Hello again

I am not getting a huge response to the call for participants in our working groups and those I have had are from current or ex committee members.
The group looking at tenure of committee members could work with the existing volunteers although input from the members of the future would be helpful.  How long do you think is reasonable for someone to serve before coming up for re-election?  Should we be able to remove committee members mid term?  Lots of questions require an answer. Can you help?
The club room group needs more members and we really do need people who have little or no experience of using the facility.  All the current volunteers are old enough to remember the glory days when a lot of members met every Thursday and many of our current friendships were formed.  This does not make for an objective view of current benefits.  Assuming that we wish to continue with a programme of social events we need a fresh look at what is on offer from our club room versus what is available elsewhere. This requires people with opinions on where they like to meet and what facilities are required.  For those who do not know the clubroom and the treasures it holds a visit can be arranged.  Bearing in mind that we also need to consider the lease, the costs and the state of the building anyone who has some grasp of legal or financial matters or knowledge of construction would be useful but all you really need is to be a club member who wants a bit more than our outdoor programme.
If people would like more information before volunteering please get in touch.
Lin Warriss