All posts in Meet Reports

Seasonal Stagger 21st Dec 2014

We started with 18 humans and one canine, met another 7 humans for lunch, returned with 25 then were joined by 5 for tea, so a good turnout for this popular event in the club’s calendar. The route, according to the Gibson GPS, was 9.8 miles with 1700 feet of ascent – short for a normal Sunday walk but fine for a stagger on the shortest day of the year. A slight extension after lunch was declined by majority vote, with tea and cakes proving the stronger incentive.
The weather proved better than forecast, with only light drizzle and mild winds, and the party made good progress from Crookes down to and along the Rivelin valley. We had enough time for a coffee stop at the old corn mill site before the climb up to Lodge Moor and lunch at The Sportsman. The carvery was popular, along with the well-kept Landlord, allowing a comfortable wait for the 4-strong cycle party and those joining for the afternoon only.
Return along the edge path was quicker than the outward journey, and we were back at Glebe Road by 3.30 to find that David P and Mary had already arrived by bike and had made the first brew! A pleasant social followed, with the club’s large teapot being refilled many times and much banter enjoyed. The popularity of the cakes meant that only a small dent was made in the mince pie mountain, much of which was redistributed among departing members.
Many thanks to all who brought food, and to Chris H for a valiant day’s baking on Saturday.
Happy Christmas and New Year everyone, see you in 2015.
Dave C

Foolow Great Longstone Circuit Thurs 4th Dec

Eleven members left Foolow to follow field paths into Eyam. Once through the village our route took us past the Lydgate Graves and down The Cliff into Stoney Middleton. Although overcast, the views of the Eastern Edges were extensive from our coffee stop overlooking Stoney.
We then descended into Coombs Dale and began the long gradual haul up the dale and onto Longstone Edge for lunch. Again we were treated to far reaching views over Monsal Dale, Great Longstone and Bakewell. It seemed appropriate at this moment to remember Harry Woods, an ex member of the club who passed away recently and whose funeral took place that morning.
Before setting off, Maurice, in an attempt to lift the cultural tone of the day read John Masefield’s poem Cargos. Whether this has set a precedent for future walks remains to be seen, although it was generally agreed that anything longer than three verses would have to wait for warmer weather!
We skirted the settling pond below Longstone Moor farm and followed more field paths through Housley and into Foolow. Unfortunately we couldn’t persuade the land-lady at The Bull’s Head to stay open long enough to serve us a festive cuppa, which would have nicely rounded off an excellent walk.


5 Weirs Walk Thurs 27th Nov

A bit of a last minute parking panic for 2 late arrivals delayed the start slightly, but the full complement of 16 members were soon following the Don braving drizzle and general greyness as we walked through some of Sheffield’s old industrial heartland.
The Don was in full flow and the weirs were counted.Goosanders were spotted and some members of the party had 3 kingfisher sitings.
Rejoining the river after a detour round the Sheffield Forgemasters site, there were complaints about the lack of a tea/coffee stop -but as lunch was imminent we pushed on.Lunch was then taken close to the final weir by the side of Meadowhall,where the wooden perimiter posts surrounding the kids playground (conveniently closed) provided a suitable area to stop and sit. The general ambiance was enhanced by the adjacent Santa’s grotto complete with musical sound effects!
Moving on after lunch we soon joined the Sheffield & Tinsley canal which led us back to the city centre where we finished by the Victoria Quays.
A different walk to our usual Peak District locations,but not without interest and enjoyed -I hope-by all.


Thursday 14 December 2014 – Xmas meet report

We all had a wind swept time on White Edge and views were suprisingly good, but the Grouse was beckoning. An excellent turn out of 16 plus 4 meeting us in the pub. This included our ‘senior’ member Charles, pictured wearing my Christmas hat! The pub coped extremely well, and we all got our food in plenty of time before the return leg. Sean read a very witty and appropriate climbing/walking poem, taking a leaf out of Maurices book!!
We have had 48 walks this year with 12 different coordinators, so thanks to all of them. The big star award went to John Murton for organising a massive 9 walks this year, but he wasn’t there so didnt get his sloppy kiss- note John, Mike has your award to give you, probably without the kiss!. We have had a wide variety of walks this year :linear, tree, flower, boggy, sunny, scrambly, city, and a wide variety of locations to enjoy. We have had lots of laughs, and friendship. Here’s wishing you all a very Merry Xmas and hoping 2015 brings us health and happiness. Linda.


Llangollen – Annual Dinner Weekend 6/7 December 2014

Twenty-five club members and two guests went to the Llangollen Hostel for the 2014 annual dinner meet. This was a new venue for the club and despite being a bit snug in terms of the sitting and dining rooms proved to be a very comfortable venue.
Llangollen is surrounded by great countryside packed with outstanding views and, with the canal and Pontcysyllte and Chirk aqueducts, steeped in well preserved industrial history that are well worth visiting. On the Saturday (a cold but clear day) members variously walked, biked and ran round the surrounding hills and valleys (and aqueducts!).
Back at the hostel club members and guests were lucky enough to have Marian once again in charge of the catering. Some members set to supporting Marian by preparing vegetables while in the spirit of too many cooks spoil … others felt it only right to support local breweries and nipped out for aperitifs. All were back for 7.15 and sat down to an outstanding three course meal. The meal was followed by David delivering the club president’s annual awards ceremony to club members who had an exceptional achievement during 2014 or had in a couple of cases bounced back from injury and surgery to carry on enjoying outdoor activities. Later Gordon provided great live entertaiment.
It was more of the same on the Sunday with 14 members walking in the Worlds End area and three members enjoying some navigation challenges as they ran around the local mountains (possibly due to the speed they were going?).

Personal highlights were the cycle along the ‘Panorama’ road that follows the Eglwyseg valley – a quiet road with stunning views and the walk to Castell Dinas Bran a ruined castle that sits above the town on a relatively small hill in a big setting. And then of course there was the meal …
Thanks to all for coming and playing a part in a great weekend. Now where should we go next year …

Andrew Milne


Anniversary Walk and Party, Thursday 13 November 2014

We managed to get the best weather of the week, dull but dry, and 15 of us enjoyed a linear walk from the Fox House down to Beauchief Abbey via Blacka Moor or the second anniversary of the Thursday walking group.  The trees and bracken still showed beautiful colours but there was no sun to lighten them, while the volume of water in the streams made us feel fortunate that it was not raining again.  Dick Murton and Lin joined us for the first time, having been Castle members 20 years ago and having recently returned back to the area.  Dick used to be Treasurer years ago…
We stopped at the Castle Inn on the way for a pint.  This is where the club was formed 47 years ago.  Only Andy could ever remember meeting there, thankfully the rest of us are younger!! ( Sorry Andy).   A few more joined us for the party at our house at the end, so it was rather cosy in our little terrace.  Rosy had made a lovely cake for our anniversary, Steve brought sparkling wine and glasses for a toast, and everyone brought some grub along, so we all had a very nice time.
Thanks to all for a great day.  Linda




Ceilidh 8 November 2014

There was a very out at our Ceilidh on Saturday 8th November.  The dancing started early and gathered momentum as the full compliment of 44 people filled the Broomhall Centre – a new venue for this event.   A wide age range took part making the evening a real family affair.
The Morgan Rattler, as ever, supplied energising and uplifting tunes and the tolerant caller (Lisa) delivered clear instructions for us and did not seem at all fazed by our ineptitude.  Many people braved the dance floor and joined in with much enthusiasm. However, as usual, there were a few strays during Strip the Willow and the dosey does.  Young Lana was very good at organising our group during a couple of the dances and made sure that we all towed the right line!
During the interval we enjoyed a feast of some delicious savouries and desserts.  Thanks go to Vanda for supplying paper goods, ensuring that we ate with some decorum.  We are also very grateful to everyone who contributed a dish to share.
Linda was instrumental in selling raffle tickets and collected a great variety of prizes from local outdoor retailers and climbing walls including vouchers, rucksacks and books. Thanks also to John, Gordon, Mike and Helen for help with prizes. We raised  £227 for our chosen charity Edale Mountain Rescue.
Overall, we had a very successful evening that seemed to be enjoyed by all.  Ali



Manifold valley walk Sunday 2 November 2014

Starting from Wetton, the idea was to walk two loops in the Manifold valley area crossing the actual valley and not really walking in it!  Nine of us set off on the first loop which took us south and steeply down to Beeston Farm and the amazing climbing there at Beeston Tor.  We then went up to the Old Throwley Hall ruins with great views which were enjoyed during a quick tea break and explore of the site.  From there we went down to the river and up to Castern Hall and then contoured along the top edge of the woods and nature reserve.  Unfortunately the bench for a planned stop was ‘taken’ so we sat in the next field and admired fanatatic sunny views up and down the Manifold.  The sun reflected off Beeston Tor and we almost wished we were climbing – we would have had the crag to ourselves.  From here we walked past disused lead mines and so back to Wetton.

Picking up Mike, the second loop started with a visit to the dramatic Thor’s Cave for a lunch lunch stop with time to explore. Saying goodbye to Steve and Sue, we then descended steeply to the valley intending to go up to Grindon and the ‘cathedral of Staffordshire.’   However, given the time, the vote was to walk along the valley to Wetton Mill, cutting out a steep hill and subsequent descent back to the valley.  From here we finishined up Wetton Hill, enabling us to  savour the views before getting back to Wetton in the light.

An excellent day out in striking limestone country with good weather and company. Well done Andy and Rosie for still turning
up with jet lag.
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Chatsworth Walk Thurs 30th Oct 2014

Seven members met at a murky Carlton Lees car park and enjoyed increasingly warm and pleasant weather during the morning. It was a T Shirt day reaching 20 degrees!
We walked 9.2km and identified many trees enroute helped by our antique Observer Tree books. A lovely time of year to see tree shapes and buds with plenty of helpful colourful leaves left.
Tea at the garden centre (making it a 6 mile walk for some!) completed the day for a few of us.

Chris K

Yorkshire Dales Weekend 24 and 25 October 2014

What a great weekend! 17 people gathered in the Y.R.C. hut near Clapham. The hut was very well equipped and cosy with a lovely open fire. Thanks to all who brought wood and coal. Friday night was a boozy one in front of the fire, putting the world to rights and having a laugh.
On Saturday, there were 2 cycling groups and 3 walking ones, as the weather was not quite good enough for climbing. The walkers bagged Ingleborough and Pen Y Ghent, and coped with a strong wind on the tops. One cycle group did a route with Settle cafes in, and the other lot went to the Forest of Bowland. Both groups cycled directly from the hut. The Forest of Bowland produced an amazing long descent, considered by Mike to be the best he had ever done!
After a social evening, and the clocks changing (for some!), and as it was wild out but fairly dry, on Sunday, all parties decided to walk. One team did a Clapham to Ingleborough loop and fought a strong head and side wind especially coming off the top. Others enjoyed more low level challenges.
3 of us stayed on until Monday, and met friends for a walk from Austwick and the Norbar erratics, to Wharfe etc.
Thanks to all for leaving the hut so clean. Linda

Tea stop at Gaping Gill

Tea stop at Gaping Gill