All posts in Meet Reports

Mountain Biking 17th March 2019 – Report

Three met at Calver crossroads for a ride: Coombs Dale to Black Harry Gate; double back to Deep Rake; down to Rowland, Great Longstone; up to top of Longstone Edge; through (padlocked!) gate on bridleway north to Black Harry Gate again; continue north to Eyam; down byway to Stoney; back along mani road to Calver.

The leader had to stop for a quick caffeine and sugar hit on the way up to Longstone Edge; otherwise it was a non-stop ride, resisting cafe temptation, taking around 2.5 hours.

Alternate warm sunshine and driving hail were in keeping with the season.

Going by the rule that if your pants are dry after mountain biking, you should have gone climbing (and vice-versa) – it was the right activity for the day.


Sun Mar 3rd 2019 meet report

Sadly the light drizzle seemed to deter our hardy mountaineering folk, so just Leon, Josie and the meet leader set off from Redmires car park at 10am. Yes, it was a dull day, and spitting, but never bad in the time that we were out. We walked down past the Headstone, across the A57 and up to Crawshaw Lodge where a decision was made that we would all omit the loop north of the old Sheffield road and head along it to Moscar Cross. A coffee stop here fortified us in the cooling breeze and we set off for Stanage end. We met one runner and a couple of walkers along the edge, but it was a quiet day ont’hills. A lunch stop was taken at High Neb, then the return to the cars made via Stanage Pole. We were back before 2pm, and well before the first heavy shower of the day. A shortened day, but still 8.5 miles by Leon’s GPS, and enjoyed by all 3. Dave.
Photo: 2/3rds of the team at the lunch stop, High Neb trig behind

North Wales 15-17 Feb 2019 meet report

Eleven members enjoyed the comfort of a hut the club have not used before (owned by Lincoln Mountaineering Club) which sits down a field off the road to Dinorwic.

Saturday was the main day for action. Ali lead a walk through the slate quarries and down and around Llyn Peris. Five of us did a mini expedition through the quarries following two routes that make up part of a trilogy of routes called Snakes and Ladders. These involve tunnels, fixed ladders (only just fixed in some bits) and a couple of abseils. All in all a great day out, quite unique, and well worth doing. The good news was that the rain started just as we finished.
On Saturday evening we had a group curry which involved a modest six courses. These being poppodoms, onion bhajis, chicken tikka and/or aubergine curry, a break for a glass of port, fruit salad and finally two types of cake. A great meal and thanks to all for planning, supply, preparation and washing up.

The weather on Sunday was poor. Some people did a windy walk, some went to find a café. Kathy and John stayed over on Sunday night and the next day checked out how to find a three star grade 1 scramble though due to poor weather an ascent had to wait for another visit. Plenty of reasons to go back and enjoy some of the walking and adventure in this bit of North Wales.


Wild goose weekend meet report 9/10 Feb 2019

Two meets in the area between Matlock and Chesterfield. On Saturday four or us went on a bike ride, Dick put the route on his GPS, so route finding was easy even if hills weren’t. No wild geese at Ogston Res but had a slight deviation to Wessington to see some Wildgoose houses Leon had built. I got points for finding a bench for lunch. Lin got lots of points for excellent carrot cake which we demolished when we finished.

Sunday walk featured industrial archaeology at Lunsdale, pretty perfect Ashover and bits in between. More points for finding enough benches for 14 and two dogs at two lunch stops. Leon showed us more Wildgoose property. I did miss Dick and his GPS on Sunday as i had to navigate.
A good weekend.


Sunday walk report – 3rd Feb 2019

A group of eight and Poppy gathered on a very cold morning and under an overcast sky we followed the frozen footpath up to Derwent Edge. At Whinstone Lee Tor not only were we feeling warmer but the sun had reappeared and the clouds were dispersing. Snow covered the landscape as far as the eye could see in all directions, and below us patches of ice were visible on Ladybower reservoir. We continued along the edge into a cold fresh breeze, with hard packed snow underfoot. In the lee of Back Tor we had a brief break, before making our way to Lost Lad. Again we paused briefly to admire the all-round views, and the sharp sighted amongst us were able to identify the Holme Moss mast in the far distance.
We descended to a small plantation for an early lunch, a fallen tree providing a convenient seat. We did not linger long, and made our way down to the side of the reservoir, feeling warmer out of the wind. A short walk brought us to the path up Grindle Clough. Avoiding the ice underfoot and the mountain bikers approaching us from both directions, made for an interesting ascent back to the Edge. Here we took the path by the grouse butts until it crossed the unfamiliar (to some) Highshaw Clough. We followed the clough back to the main path and Cutthroat Bridge, just as the drizzle and predicted thaw arrived.
An excellent winter walk in almost perfect conditions. 10.2 miles, and thanks to all who came.

Bradfield Agden & Strines Walk 27 Jan 2019 Report

8 of us met at Low Bradfield and set off for Dale Dike Reservoir in welcoming sunshine and well sheltered from the strong winds.
Taking the south bank of the reservoir we crossed below the overflow channel of the Strines reservoir above and stopped for a tea break in the woods below Brogging.Continuing around the north of Dale Dike we then headed up Wilkin Hill and into the woodland around the western arm of Agden reservoir.
Lunch was taken ,well sheltered, in the woodland stream flowing into the reservoir at it’s western end.We then headed north steeply up Agden Side.Reaching the top we were greeted by all round views and the strong northerly wind.Continuing along the ridge we admired the view of Agden Rocher Edge beautifully lit up by the afternoon sun.Traversing below the edge we continued through the woods to the exquisitely sited St. Nicholas Church with it’s commanding views of the upper Loxley valley and the Agden and Dale Dike reservoirs.Some of the inscriptions on the tombstones were were noted including one to a local resident which (after giving his name)finished abruptly with the comment “who died”- but with no date or further comment!
The final loop on the Sheffield Country walk maintained the elevated position with the commanding views of the valley below and a snow covered Derwent Edge in the distance.We then descended through the fields back to Low Bradfield.
An enjoyable day with great views and lovely light in this outstanding area.
Thanks to all who came for your company.

Walk Report Sunday 20th January 2019

Ten people met at Wildboar Clough car park before setting off in the clag along a pleasant woodland path through ankle deep snow. Arriving at Three Shires Head we admired the two dip pools. Note to self and other wild swimmers – definitely worth a return trip mid week when warmer. Here we paused for a snack and debated the directions of Cheshire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire. Onward we trod through the mist, mostly following tracks and minor roads. We stopped again on top of Axe Edge Moor for a short lunch break, with nowhere else to sit but in the snow. Unfortunately, there were no views of the Goyt Valley, as advertised, until mile 9, just outside The Cat and Fiddle. Blue sky broke through and glimpses of distant skylines most welcomed. The terrain became more interesting here as we descended into the stream gully, of Danethorne Hollow, before arriving at the carpark, shortly afterwards. A 10.5 mile round completed – thanks to all who turned out.

Meet Report Langdale 11-13th January 2019

Thanks to all 19 members who made this such a sociable weekend in the comfortable FRCC hut Raw Head. Unfortunately this year not a trace of snow or ice – in fact out of the wind jackets off was the dress code!
Sue M and myself took advantage of Friday’s good forecast to ascend Pike of Blisco meeting John S and Kathy at the summit – fabulous all round views. A cozy evening round the coal fire on Friday as we all arrived.
Saturday forecast rain and increasingly strong winds and parties did various routes to Lingmoor Fell, Elterwater to Cathedral Quarries and Red Tarn by various running and walking routes, with Vanda, Paul and Hugh getting back last to the hut after a very wet ascent of Browney Gill and The Old Dungeon Ghyll.
Fantastic teamwork organised by site supervisor Leon had us consuming 6 different home cooked curries. We managed to eat them all and the apple crumble from John B and birthday cake made by Josie for Leon!
Sunday’s forecast of more rain and winds gusting 60mph didn’t deter Gemma and Kial from running up to Red Tarn and getting back before the Bowfell party of 6 set off! We got as far as Three Tarns after an interesting river crossing at the foot of Hell Gill before the strong gusts persuaded us to head down and homewards meeting Sean at the hut who had been blown along Mickleden.

Sunday Walk report – 6th January 2019

A party of 14 and three dogs assembled at Hope Primary School under an overcast sky. Although cool, the long ascent of Lose Hill soon had members removing layers, and when we all finally arrived on the summit the sun began to break through. It was a busy day on the Great Ridge, and we had fine views into the Edale valley although at the foot of Back Tor the sun was obscured again by low cloud. We descended from Hollins Cross and our first break was taken just after passing underneath the railway line. Thankful that we were no longer on the Ridge, which was now in thick cloud, we followed the path to the Youth Hostel and onwards to an almost sheltered lunch stop at the bottom of Jaggers Clough.
After arriving at Hope Cross the sun re-appeared and the cameras were clicking. We had good views back towards Edale with the hills shrouded in mist, whilst ahead Win Hill and the Hope Valley were bathed in sunshine. We followed the track to Fullwood Stile Farm, and returned to our starting point after 10.1 miles. Thanks to all who came along.

New Years Day 2019 Walk Report

January 1st dawned dry and clear and whilst the majority of people were sleeping of the excesses of New Years Eve 17 hardy souls set of from Cote Green Farm car park near Wortley. The 6 mile walk was planned to take in some of little known but historically interesting parts of South Yorkshire.
On leaving the car park we walked up through the fields to the charming village of Wortley . The nearby Wortley Hall was the home of Lady Mary Wortley Montague (1689 1762) who brought the idea of smallpox inoculation to Britain from the east.
Following footpaths and bridleways we popped up in Thurgoland. From hear we headed down following the Upper Don Valley eventually arriving at the mill ponds for Wortley Top Forge which was an 18th century forge, and now a museum. A forerunner of the steel works that were to dominate the River Don further down stream.
A short walk along a lane got us back to the car park, a pleasant start to the New Year.

Happy New Year