Walk report 11 April 2013

Apr 12, 2013
Wow! that piece of string was spot on at 7 miles… thanks for the data Andy.

5 of us (Andy & Rosie, Linda, John M and self) enjoyed a walk of 2 halves – first through wood and moor from the bottom end of the Rivelin dams to the stream inlet via a circuitous route above, then through farmland on the north side of the A57 until emerging under Rivelin edge back to the cars (see earlier post for full route) after 3.5 hours.

Seats were found for coffee at the Headstone and for a late lunch at the picnic bench on Riggs High Road. The latter just seated the 5 summer winers, with a hazy view towards Bradfield as sandwiches were consumed.

Brooks babbled, tweeters twittered, and Linda and Rosie emulated both. A pleasant day out.

Dave C

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