Thursday walk 5th June Report

gill Doyle
Jun 6, 2014
A party of 5 left Litton in dry but overcast conditions.
Cressbrook Dale was descended past the St Peter Stone followed by the ascent to Wardlow Hay Cop where we stopped for coffee and donned waterproofs given the appearances suggesting imminent heavy rain. The promised rain failed to materialise, however, and by the time we had completed the descent to Ravensdale Cottages things had warmed up and the waterproofs came off.
The high level traverse of Miller’s Dale followed with a descent to Litton Mill and climb up the other side of the valley to Cressbrook Village.
We then returned to Litton by a somewhat slippery traverse along the edge of the woods and an easy walk through the intervening fields.
The dry weather held and slowly improved giving us a pleasant round in this classic limestone area.

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