Meet Report Rehab Walk Sat February 17th 2024

Eight members met in murky conditions, but enjoyed a 16km (10mile) walk. Starting at the Haywood car park we slithered our way down to Grindleford with a slightly unplanned detour via Tegness Quarry and the former residence of two members. On the flatter ground we walked along the River Derwent valley via Froggatt and Calver to Baslow with muddy fields, quiet lanes and good views of snowdrops and waterside gardens. Lunch in Baslow churchyard with a display of snowdrops and crocuses before climbing up to Baslow Edge where we were rewarded with extensive views as the mist had cleared. A welcome coffee at the van in the Curbar Gap car park before the final stretch along Curbar and Froggatt Edges and back to the cars. Fairly easy going underfoot and plenty of time to admire the views. Chris.

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