Hadrian’s Wall Meet Report 24th – 27th May 2024

What have the Romans ever done for us? Luckily they provided an excellent venue for our recent Hadrian’s Wall away meet – though we could have done with a few more of their aqueducts to drain away some of the rain that fell over the weekend.
On Saturday the climbers managed to “carpe diem” and tick off lots of routes at Peel Crags. These included two “Top 50” routes – Overhanging Crack (VS) and Sunset ( described in the guidebook as the best Severe between Hadrian’s Wall and the Scottish border). The rest of the party kept busy with activities including e-biking (Dick and Lin), landscape painting (Gordon) and walking along sections of the wall (everyone else). Saturday evening was very sociable with groups from both campsites joining up for BBQ, paella and virtuoso guitar playing by Gordon and Paul G.
Weather conditions deteriorated on Sunday providing an opportunity for people to visit the impressive nearby archaeological sites. Bill and Paul E ventured into Kielder Forest on their mountain bikes – though many of the tracks would have been easier to negotiate via canoe.
Many thanks to everyone who participated in a very enjoyable weekend with lots done despite the unfavourable weather. Photos to follow on the Castle Facebook and Instagram sites. Paul E
Paul’s pics:

Froggatt Edge Sunday 19 May 2024

A great day with hot sunshine attracted 21 of us to climb a wide variety of routes from the fairly straightforward to more challenging routes such as Tody’s Wall and Three Pebble Slab.
It got so warm that most of us adjourned to The Grouse in late afternoon for a well deserved drink.
A reminder to be aware of ticks which are increasingly common. I picked up two, I think on this day. David

Edale Skyline Walk Report – 27th April 2024

8 of us (6 Castle members and 2 friends) plus Weaver the dog, set out from Hope Primary School in rather cold weather with a steady breeze creating a light wind chill. After the ascent of Lose Hill we traversed the Great Ridge which was busy as usual with a mixture of runners, walkers and those on a “mission” like us.
Coffee break was taken at Mam Nick followed by Rushup Edge and the long paved way to Brown Knoll. We stopped for lunch at Crowden Tower and then crossed the peat bog which wasn’t as bad as I had expected it to be. Also the fords at the top of Crowden and Grindsbrook plus the rest of the fords along the skyline route east were easily crossed due to very little running water. A brief drinks stop at a path junction near the Druids Stone was followed by a longer one at a wall prior to the ascent of Winn Hill. From there the descent back to Hope.
Altogether a grand day out – good views, no rain, mainly overcast skies with the odd sunny period plus a “pit stop” at the Old Hall pub to finish off. My Strava relates 7hrs 45mins of walking time, 9 hours total. 19.22 miles plus 3334ft of ascent. Thanks to all who came and well done for the achievement! Pics of the team on Lose Hill and Win hill can be found on the walking WhatsApp group.

Bill’s pics

Steve’s pic


The Castle committee met on 15th April and this is the latest update to let you know what we have been getting up to!
• The list of away meets for 2024 is looking healthy. There is still one place available on the Braemar trip (28th May – 5th June). Meets are planned to the Yorkshire Dales (May BH), Northumbria (Spring BH), Cairngorms (May-June), Chapel Stile (June), Dentdale (July), Mid-Wales (August), Galway (September) and the Lakes (November). More info on the website.
• After last years’ successful Alps meet, another trip to Aosta is planned for late June / July. Those lightweights who prefer sunshine rock are catered for by sport-climbing trip to Sicily in October.
• The recent ceilidh was a great success and resulted in a profit which was donated to local mountain rescue groups. Many thanks to Helen for her excellent organisation.
• The pub socials have been most enjoyable. The next one is scheduled for Monday 13th May at the Merry Lads (Lodge Moor) – merry lasses also welcome!
• The photographic competition is taking place tonight in the clubroom at 8pm. Competition should be fierce as there have been 122 entries. Many thanks to Dave Crowther for organising this.
• The committee feel that the new WhatsApp Communities Group has been a success – though a few tweaks may be needed to streamline it. The committee will shortly issue some guidelines which will help club members to navigate WhatsApp Communities. One aim is to reduce the number of WhatsApp posts – for example by encouraging club members to post only in the most appropriate group rather than across multiple groups.
• The committee will also be sending out some environmental guidelines for club members based on British Mountaineering Club recommendations.
• We are planning to update the Castle publicity posters using a selection of photos which reflect the wide range of club activities. If you have any suitable photos please send them to Rosie Twambley or Paul Embley. (Please check with anyone identifiable in the photos that they are happy to be featured in club publicity.)

As always the committee welcome feedback from club members – especially suggestions for meets and other activities. Volunteers to organise climbing and walking meets are even more welcome!

Dove Dale walk 21st April 2024 – Report

4 members attended on an unexpectedly sunny and dry day !
Setting off down the top end of the Dale we were soon admiring the Dove Holes (caves)and the nearby Ilam Rock pinnacle.
A stiff climb then followed to the top of Ilam Woods.Passing Air Cottage we continued over the summit of Bunster Hill with panoramic views of Ilam and the valley beyond.
After a steep descent,we took the path round to the bridge at the foot of Thorpe Cloud where we joined the multitudes toiling their way to the summit.There we stopped for lunch before taking the obligatory long route down (the two usual routes being closed because of erosion and accident risk).
The world and his wife were gathered by the river and Stepping Stones-so we pressed on up the bottom section of the Dale resisting the temptation to go on forays to visit places like “Tissington Spires” and “Reynard’s cave” (a trip for another day perhaps?!}
Before long we found ourselves back below Ilam Rock.One member then continued up the Dale following the route we had taken in the morning,while the remaining 3 took the longer route up Hall Dale and over Stanhope pastures to reach the car park in Mill Dale.
The full team then enjoyed some excellent ice cream to round off a lovely day in spring sunshine.
Mike D

Saturday walk 13 April 2024 report

A small, select group, me and Hugh braved the early start but we had no problem getting parked up. Had lots of varied weather from horizontal rain and mist to bright sunshine. route was completed finding the 3 crash sites we went for. A good day despite the weather. Gordon

Harborough Rocks Sunday 14 April 2024

A day without rain! 10 of us made it to Harborough Rocks. A cool dry day, warming up when the sun came out and cooling down when the wind got up.
Plenty of routes and boulder problems done. It did seem like we were in the middle of a war zone with two different clay pigeon shoots and the factory making a lot of noise. We all survived. Role on summer! David

Capel Curig 28th March to 1st April 2024. Meet report

Friday – fresh snow on the hills from the last two days. A bright start, then windy with hail and rain. Kial and Terri did an extended tour of the Carneddau and Glyders, in training for bigger things. Rosie, Helen and Geoff walked towards the Glyders from Capel and retreated to Ogwen where Helen’s smile and thumb quickly got us a lift home. Dave and Linda explored the reservoirs North of Capel. Bill biked and pushed up Snowdon.
Saturday – bright and clear. Helen, Rosie, Bill and Geoff walked from Ogwen to Abergwygregyn on the N Wales coast. Great views. Only two cars where we came down, but Helen’s charms got her a lift back to Ogwen to retrieve her car and pick up the rest of us. Terri and Kial climbed at Castle Inn Quarry off the A55. A sunny venue.
Sunday – again bright and clear with a chill wind. Bill and Geoff went over the N ridge of Tryfan, Bristly Ridge, Glyders and Y Garn. A lift home was harder to catch for two old men, but after 20 mins a tiny car squeezed us in the back. Rosie, Terri, Helen, Dave and Linda went to the sunny delights of Castle Inn Quarry. Kial and Gemma explored the area N of the hut. Geoff’s easter egg was munched in the evening.
Monday – drizzle. All went home, except Bill and Geoff – who did a couple of routes on little Tryfan before we called it a day.

An early Easter meant this meet was more walking than climbing with unseasonal snow enhancing the trip. Car parks were still very busy so walking from the hut and hitching back was a good option, or getting up early. The N London Mountaineering club hut is a great location. Better when the radiators work but the wood burner dried out kit. Welcome to Terri on her first away meet. Geoff.