Working Groups on Committee Tenure and Future of Clubroom

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  • #17606
    John Barnard

    This is just a personal comment on the message from Lin Warriss that Andy Smith mailed out to all members the other day (and which therefore isn’t on this message board):

    I hope that recently-joined members are not feeling inhibited about
    volunteering for the working groups. The recommendations that will be
    made by these groups will have a significant effect on how the club
    works in the years ahead, and it is therefore very important that they
    include people who might expect to *remain* members for as long as
    people like me have already *been* members! We “old lags” can offer
    knowledge and experience, but the working groups also need new ideas,
    and opinions from those who are now the most active climbers and
    mountaineers in the club.

    (For those who’ve lost the original messages, Lin is asking for volunteers to be on a couple of working groups,
    one considering proposals to limit the length of time people can serve in particular positions on the committee,
    and one considering the future of the clubroom behind the Rising Sun pub on Abbey Lane, and possible alternatives to it.)

    John Barnard (member since about 1983)

    Andy Smith

    I have put the full text of Lin’s messages in Club News

    I very much endorse John’s comments.
    I joined the Club in 1973 aged 28 and was one of the younger
    active Club members, organising Club meets and events, and
    enjoying ourselves in the mountains, walking, climbing and
    mountaineering in the 70s and 80s. I joined the committee
    1980, when the then “old lags” were becoming less active in
    Club affairs. I was president in 1984 and Secretary 1985-88.
    Now, more than 30 years later I am one of the oldest of old
    lags. So I encourage newer active members to get involved
    and develop the Club in the way that meets your needs.
    Joining one of the Working Groups would be a way to do this.

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