Thursday walk 23rd May -Report

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  • #22459
    mike doyle

    6 members met by the school in Litton.Waterproofs were put on with covers on rucsacs-but the majority putting off the seemingly inevitable step of donning water proof over trousers.Andy Smith,however, had no time for such softness and boldly set off in shorts!
    We headed across fields with wet grass and then walked carefully through the edge of the woods above Cressbrook Dale taking care to avoid slipping on the wet and sometimes sloping ground.
    Passing through Cressbrook village we stopped for tea on the open ground above Miller’s Dale with views
    across the valley to the high ground beyond and the wooded dale below.The initial drizzle had by now stopped.Thoughts of putting on over trousers were dismissed.
    We then descended to Litton Mill and walked through Miller’s Dale below Cramside wood.Before long the leader pointed out the scramble at the start of the alternative path to escape the mud & possible flooding in Water-cum-Jolly.The initial scramble was soon climbed followed by a steep ascent and traverse above the limestone crags.
    Lunch was taken on the best patch of wet grass we could find below the imposing Cressbrook Hall.Then we pressed on along a narrow woodland path leading to the road descending from the Hall and village above.
    A steady climb up a lower road led to the turn off for Ravensdale Cottages with the impressive limestone cliffs above.
    The next section through the narrow outlet of Cressbrook Dale followed-not as muddy asthe leader had feared ,but well carpeted with wild garlick and the wall below the path and some fallen trees all covered in moss.Passing into the main section of the Dale orchids were in abundance.
    The turn off into Tansley Dale then followed and the final field before Litton.
    Given the poor forecast, a surprisingly pleasant day with only a small amount of drizzle early on.
    Thanks to those who came and your company.
    Mike D

    Mike’s pics:

    Ali’s pic:

    Vanda’s pics:

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