Kinder South consists of a scattering of cliffs overlooking the Edale valley. Nether Tor is at the eastern end of the moor and has two areas for the visiting climber – the far left is a tall natural buttress split by the jagged wide crack of Moneylenders Crack (VS 5a 3*) and Nether Tor right is the tallest buttress and home to Flash Wall (VS 5a top 50).
Pay & Display parking at the entrance to Edale or alternatively park in the train station, also pay & display.
Walk up Grindsbrook Clough and branch right on the path to Ringing Roger. Some distance below the plateau a small path runs leftwards through bracken to the terraces below the crag (see attached map).
Its a long walk in so we should all meet in the main carpark at 9.20am, team up with a partner, rationalize kit and walk up together at 9.30am. Please let me know if you are coming so we don’t leave without you.
This is a weather dependent meet, if it looks a bit suspect then I’ll post an alternative venue Saturday evening.
Any questions give me a call or email
07917 440918
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