Meet at the roadside parking near Upper Booth (Grid ref 108847) at 0830.Early,but the parking is popular and fills up quickly.If the parking is full there is parking on the area underneath the railway bridge- just before you reach the parking- and there is a small roadside area just before the railway bridge which may be available.
The walk climbs Jacob’s Ladder to reach Kinderlow End (either over the tops or by the path below -depending on the conditions) with a steady descent to Kinder Reservoir .From there the valley leads to the foot of Tunstead Clough before ascending to reach & traverse the Dragon’s Back ridge and climb to the summits of Mount Famine & South Head with suitably impressive views.All that is left then is the walk back to Jacob’s ladder and Upper Booth. .
12.5 miles approx.
Given the parking issues, car sharing is recommended (I can fit 3 in my car).
Let me know if you will be coming & if you would like a lift..
Mike Doyle