River Wye walk 3 August 2030

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  • #20365
    David Pendlebury

    Some of us are planning to walk most of the length of the River Wye from Topley Pike to its confluence with the Derwent at Rowsley. The distance is about 17 miles.
    Let me know if you are interested in joining us. More details nearer the time.
    As both the start and finish are on the A6 we hope to get the bus either at the start or end of the day.

    David Pendlebury

    This of course should have said 3 August 2023!

    Helen Dunnett

    I am interested in joining this
    Thank you

    Richard Pegram

    I’m up for an atypical hike.

    Marianne Lawson

    Could you add me. Thanks

    Alison Milne

    Hi David
    We’re interested in the walk too.
    Thanks Ali & Andrew

    David Pendlebury

    Hi there! Confirmation of details for the River Wye walk. We plan to walk downstream from Topley Pike to Rowsley. Approx 17 miles.
    Meet at 9am in lay by off A6 just south of Topley Pike quarry. NGR is SK 113 725. Coming from Bakewell direction the lay by is on the right just beyond the A5270 junction. If you go down the hill you have missed it!
    There is a Transpeak bus at 0816 from Rowsley to the start. We aim to park in the car park on the south side of the A6 at NGR SK 258 659 and catch the bus.
    Hopefully, we will have vehicles at either end to offer a ferry service where necessary.
    Please confirm if you are coming – I have a list of those who have expressed an interest. Car sharing will be useful where possible – for example someone could pick up Lynda in Ashford.

    Helen Dunnett

    Hello David,
    I am interested and will try and catch the bus with you at 08.16. A lift available from Sheffield.

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