New Year 2016 meet (31 Dec – 3 Jan): Keswick

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    Andy Smith

    On New Years Eve, 12 Castle members joined 15 members of the Glasgow Glenmore Club and 3 members of the Perth Mountaineering Club at Denton House in Keswick for a joint meet. We soon got to know each other over a communal meal where we sat with different people for each course and most joined in with the Scottish dancing which led us up to the New Year which we celebrated in traditional Scottish style.

    We woke on New Years Day to a clear sky and a sprinkling of snow on the high hills. As a result many people were tempted to ascend Skiddaw. This was done by various parties on varying routes but conditions high up were not pleasant – very strong winds and icy under foot. Most people were not equipped for the conditions! Only two Castle members made it to the summit, the rest retreating at various points including the start of the summit ridge and Skiddaw Little Man. Two members took in Latrigg as a consolation on the way down. However it was a good mountain day with excellent views of the surrounding hills and waterlogged fields and a very muddy looking Bassenthwaite Lake. Other members choose to climb Latrigg and run up High Seat.

    2 January – the cloud was down on the summits but the weather was better than forecast and we did see the sun and some blue sky in between the showers. Some members went home after shopping and lunching but most choose to walk from the hostel and had another good mountain day. We ascended Walla Crag and had excellent views down over Keswick and Derwent Water. We then went on to Bleaberry Fell and High Seat before descending steeply to Ashness Bridge and the shores of Derwent Water. The Lake was higher than usual but we made our way back along the lakeshore and roadside footpath and reached the hostel just as it was getting dark. Two other members had a stroll up Catbells, Maiden Moor and High Spy.

    3 January – another overcast day with heavy rain forecast by midday. Most packed up and made for home. Two members choose to drive up Borrowdale to Rosthwaite and did a short walk up Castle Crag, down the track towards Grange and back along the riverside path to Rosthwaite. Unfortunately the heavy rain came before the walk was finished but a very pleasant round was enjoyed.

    An excellent long weekend. Thanks to the Glenmore Club for organising it, especially Caroline, and thanks to Chris Huxham and Dave Crowther for inviting us to join the Glenmore Club for their New Year meet and celebrations. (Chris and Dave are members of both the Castle and Glenmore clubs). It was lovely to meet new friends and enjoy the hills with them.

    Rosy Smith

    More photos on the Meet Report:…ec-3-jan-keswick/

    Andy Smith

    For those who went on the Keswick New Year meet:
    The Glenmore Club have written a report on the joint meet.
    This has been appended to Rosy’s report on the CMC website.

    New Year 2016 meet (31 Dec – 3 Jan): Keswick


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