forthcoming stuff at The Foundry

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    gordon riley

    I have got the following info regarding forthcoming events at The Foundry.

    Please note that as a club we can have discounted entry at each visit if we can let Karl have a list of names of people who might want to take advantage of this.

    Anyone got any ideas what would be the best way to provide this information?

    I plan to go along to most of these events some company would be welcome

    The Foundry Climbing Centre <>

    21 Nov at 14:48

    Hi Gordon

    The dates for your diary are:

    9th Dec Moon Board Master. An international comp held at The Foundry, Barcalona, Tokyo and New York. There will be live streaming between the venues. At The Foundry Alex Magos and Margo Hayes will be climbing. We welcome people to come down, climb and watch.
    After the comp there is a book signing of Mastermind (Jerry’s new book) with Jerry, Alex, Margo and Ben Moon.
    The event will finish with a showing of The Real Thing.

    11th Dec Christmas Party and Round 3 of the Winter Bouldering League. Total reset of the bouldering. Gifts for all, DJ set and Pizza van. As usual the roped climbing is open as normal.

    15th Jan Battle of the Brands boot demo with Boreal, Tenaya and Evolv. Again the bouldering will be totally reset. At this event the three shoe manufactures are there for people to try their shoes. There will be a 20% discount on those brands in The Foundry Shop on the night.As with all event nights there will be the DJ set and the Pizza van.

    12th Feb Bouldering bash. Many bouldering products to try. Discount in the shop and all the usual attractions eg music and pizza.

    I can send the posters to you as I complete them for each event.

    With regards to discount, we can offer club members £1 from our “On Peak” prices. If the club can send through a list of members we can put a note on the system against their record.

    I hope that all makes sense.


    The Foundry Climbing Centre
    Unit 2, 45 Mowbray Street
    Sheffield, S3 8EN
    0114 279 6331

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    The Foundry Climbing Centre

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