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  • #22319
    Paul Embley

    The Castle committee met on 15th April and this is the latest update to let you know what we have been getting up to!
    • The list of away meets for 2024 is looking healthy. There is still one place available on the Braemar trip (28th May – 5th June). Meets are planned to the Yorkshire Dales (May BH), Northumbria (Spring BH), Cairngorms (May-June), Chapel Stile (June), Dentdale (July), Mid-Wales (August), Galway (September) and the Lakes (November). More info on the website.
    • After last years’ successful Alps meet, another trip to Aosta is planned for late June / July. Those lightweights who prefer sunshine rock are catered for by sport-climbing trip to Sicily in October.
    • The recent ceilidh was a great success and resulted in a profit which was donated to local mountain rescue groups. Many thanks to Helen for her excellent organisation.
    • The pub socials have been most enjoyable. The next one is scheduled for Monday 13th May at the Merry Lads (Lodge Moor) – merry lasses also welcome!
    • The photographic competition is taking place tonight in the clubroom at 8pm. Competition should be fierce as there have been 122 entries. Many thanks to Dave Crowther for organising this.
    • The committee feel that the new WhatsApp Communities Group has been a success – though a few tweaks may be needed to streamline it. The committee will shortly issue some guidelines which will help club members to navigate WhatsApp Communities. One aim is to reduce the number of WhatsApp posts – for example by encouraging club members to post only in the most appropriate group rather than across multiple groups.
    • The committee will also be sending out some environmental guidelines for club members based on British Mountaineering Club recommendations.
    • We are planning to update the Castle publicity posters using a selection of photos which reflect the wide range of club activities. If you have any suitable photos please send them to Rosie Twambley or Paul Embley. (Please check with anyone identifiable in the photos that they are happy to be featured in club publicity.)

    As always the committee welcome feedback from club members – especially suggestions for meets and other activities. Volunteers to organise climbing and walking meets are even more welcome!

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