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Dick Murton

12 other people were daft enough to think they should allow me to lead a walk. First problem for a few – where do you park to ensure the Derwent Arms flying gazebo didn’t try to double park on top of your car? We set off OK, past the now closed garden centre (a few shedding tears) up the ridge towards Longstone edge, then dropping left with the intention of taking a high level path through the woods above Coombes Dale. 2nd problem – path closed. So an extended trog up Coombes dale towards Black Harry Gate, round the settlement pond beyond this and back down to Black Harrys gate for lunch. Back up the hill and we followed various paths towards Calver, well above the road from Hassop, at last taking a small path marked on our recently purchased 1:25k map. 3rd problem – the map tells lies, although Dr Livingstone (Rob) intrepidly breaking trail did find a couple of signposts indicating a long lost path, eventually leading back up the hill (instead of straight on as per map) where we took, somewhat gratefully the well beaten trails back into Calver. About 8 miles, depending on whose tracking device you believe. Thanks for allowing me to get you “lost” in the jungle. Never entirely trust the maps for a group walk without recceing first. I’ll leave others to make more comments.