All posts in Meet Reports

Secret Stanage – Sunday 9 October 2016

About 10 of us converged on Broken Buttress – which nearly all of us
climbed – in glorious sun in the morning. We spread West, to the
Creepy Crawly area, and some as far as Titanic. A heavy shower at
4.00 pm finished most climbing. Some esoteric stuff – a secret shared
is a secret no more.

Gardoms Meet 2 Oct 2016

10 club members and a dog met up at Gardoms Edge last Sunday The sun shone on us although unfortunately it also brought out a fair few midges. This didn’t put us off and a good few climbs were tackled with enthusiasm, (well I wasn’t too enthusiastic when I struggled up the top of N.M.C. crack) Thanks for your words of encouragement Hugh! Helen was the wildlife expert of the day hearing bats squeaking in one crack and having to use her nut key to clear slugs from another. Julian notched up another few leads and Dick and Phil admitted they hadn’t been to that area for about 20 years. Thanks to all for coming and making it such a pleasant day. Judith

Sunday 18th September 2016: Aldery Cliff

You would have been forgiven for thinking it was the middle of summer at Aldery on Sunday 18th. It was roasting…..a little too hot for some! 15 club members and 1 dog turned up to make the most of the Autumnal sunshine. Julian and Tina continued storming through their leads and everyone enjoyed the classics on a bit of limestone after all the grit. The BMC have cleared and cleaned the right hand section making the whole crag feel more extensive . We could all spread out and Castle voices could be heard shouting encouragement and advice up and down the crag. The response to said encouragement and advice was, shall we say, mixed but all seemed to have a long and satisfying day.
Thanks for the excellent company, hope to see everyone again soon.

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016


Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Sunday 18th September 2016 Walk report

6 of us started out from Litton with sun hats,sun hats,sun glasses &,in some cases ,shorts on a seemingly perfect summer’s day.
The initial stages were soon over & we then headed down Cressbrook Dale past the former Mill and so to the splendors of the high level traverse above Miller’s Dale.The meet leader,engrossed in conversation,missed the normal descent to the Monsal Trail -but,no matter a tea break was enjoyed while the meet leader explored the path he was following discovering that it led exactly to where he wanted to be!
To avoid a trudge up the Trail dodging the army of Sunday bike hirers,we descended to Litton Mill & took a scenic detour up Tideswell Dale and over the fields to Miller’s Dale..Lunch was taken on a grassy knoll above Miller’s Dale Church after which we headed into Chee Dale.
The usual muddy entrance awaited where a slip nearly saw Jenny fall head first into the river.Luckily she stopped inches from the water.Once through the mud things improved & we continued over the stepping stones.The cycle shed& cafe at the end of the Dale provided a welcome tea before the ascent to Blackwell.
An impromptu change to the planned route saw us take the path from Priestcliffe to Miller’s Dale Nature Reserve with great panoramic views in the evening light.A pleasant descent then led back to the Monsal Trail.
We again abandoned the busy trail & descended to Litton Mill again to tackle the final ascent of the day to Cressbrook village,
All that remained then was to take the route through the woods and over the fields back to Litton,where a a pint in the Red Lion rounded off a great day’s walking at ,it seems on subsequent investigation, 15.5 miles.Slightly longer than the advertised 14,but well worth it.

August Bank Holiday 2016 Cornwall

The first wave of the Cornwall meet got started with a mass – well 6 people – ascent of commando ridge in great weather. Fun had by all and a great trip out. With swelled ranks on Saturday we headed for Bosigran for climbing, sketching and chilling. Poorer weather meant the cycling and walking order of the day on Sunday. Monday dawned bright and clear and Sennen climbing called with us meeting up with the second wave of club members. Lots of climbing done and a great night in the pub. Unfortunately the party had to end with various people heading back home or going sailing. Hope the others had a good week.


Commando Ridge

Lands End

Lands End

More pictures on FaceBook.

Sunday walk 21 August 2016 – report

3 of us from Fulwood and 1 from Hathersage travelled together but overestimated the journey time to Longnor “its in Staffordshire you know” but enjoyed a pre-walk coffee in Cobbles Cafe. At 9.45 a car load of Family Smith arrived, more than doubling our numbers and almost halving the party’s average age. It drizzled lightly, as per forecast, and we made our way through fields of long wet grass before crossing the ridge line near Top Farm and descending to cross the infant R. Dove via stepping stones and a rickety hand rail. The precipitation became heavier as we approached Crowdecote and those of us who had not previously donned waterproofs now did so, in the hopes that this would placate the rain gods.(Eventually it did).
Now followed a breezy ascent of High Wheeldon, the first of 4 hills on today’s route. This stretched the party out a bit but all foregathered at the summit and admired the view northwards where our route next lay. Before we had followed it very far we arrived at Aldery Cliff where two men, one carrying a large sledgehammer, were just emerging from the environs of the crag. There appeared to have been a rockfall on the right section of the crag.
After a short walk up the road we arrived at the Quiet Woman and decided on lunch on the village green which allowed access to supplementary refreshment for those who wished. After this fortification we felt able to tackle Parkhouse and Chrome hills in quick succession, although the slippery conditions meant care (and backsides) needed to be employed.
We now had just Hollins Hill left and took afternoon tea in the basin shaped summit tumulus. The weather had cleared up now and the views back were very rewarding. A descent to Hollinsclough and a reascent of a knobbly bridleway led to the minor road back to Longnor.
12.3 miles and quite a bit of up and down. Thanks to all for the company. Frank Mellor.

Birchen 21 Aug 2016 Report

Driving out of Sheffield through a cloudburst, the meet leader nearly lost faith in the BBC weather app. It was still trying to drizzle at the Robin Hood, and two other early arrivals retired to Baslow for a weather-improving coffee. A successful strategy. By midday there were 8 of us at play: Gordon R, Julian, John, John, Vanda, Paul, Leon, Bill – and Scout of course. The afternoon saw plenty of routes done – and some of the forecast sunny intervals. A good day – even if the pub does close at 4 on Sundays.John.

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Birchen Edge 21 Aug 2016. Photo: Chris Kell

Wye valley weekend, 6/7th Aug 2016, report and hit list!

What a great weekend. Thanks for the good company round the campsite and on the crags. Decent limestone, not very polished, even the classics. Entertainment was also found on the water. Dave C brought his blow up canoe, and Marianne was willing to try something new!! Ask them about their exploits!!!
Leon suggested Symonds yat for Saturday. David and I have had little luck there previously but the new guide explained why. One of the VSs we tried then, was now E2 5c!, Another was upgraded to E1 …..Loved the place this time and cherry picked clean and good lines.
Stayed down until Thursday and as no rain, climbed every day!
Below is a hit list of our favourite routes in each grade that we have done in the last couple of years. VD to E1. What are yours? Time for another visit??
Shorncliffe=sh, Windtours Leap=wl, Wyndcliff=wynd. Symonds yat=sy.
VD. 1. Central route 111, 68m, wl. 2.snoozing suzie,40m, sy. 3.Acoustic, 20m, sh.
4. Bottle buttress 75m, wl.
S. 1. Central rib route 1, 68m, wl. 2. Joyces route 15m, sy. 3. Golden fleece 24m, sy.
4. Vertigo, 15m, sy.
HS. 1. The Phoney Wars,24m, sh. 2. Johns route,60m, wl. 3. Zelda,55m, wl. 4. Indecisive
Victory, 15m, sh.
VS. 1. Whitt, 37m, sy. 2. Cadillac 30m, Wyndcliff, 3. Nibelheim, 87m, wl. 4. Heavy plant crossing,
17m, sh.or iron curtain,sh. or exchange, 24m, sy.
HVS. 1. Red rose speedway, 32m, sy. 2. No muskeeters, 28m, sh, 3. Laughing cavaliers28m, sh
(and all the other routes on this wall!!) 4. Tigers don’t cry, 18m, sh.
E1. 1. Motion pictures 21m, sh. 2. Side effects, 20m, sh, 3. The bone, 18m, sh. 4. Stress arete,
23m, sy.
E2. ……….next year?????
Good night! Linda.

Upper Tor, Kinder South 17 July 2016 – Meet Reort

A great location for a glorious day looking down Grindsbrook to Edale, the Lose Hill to Mam Tor ridge behind and the Peak District stretching off southwards behind that. The rock was rough and the climbing very good, although gardening is needed on some routes. The climbs done were generally agreed to be ‘awkward’ at some point, tough for the grade which is acknowledged in the definitive guidebook. The routes also seemed to require a variety of techniques that cannot be learnt or finessed ‘down the wall,’ mainly involving jamming of various body parts from fingers through insecure wide hands to full body and chimneying. An excellent day out rounded off with a welcome pint in the Old Nags Head.