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Peak District Boundary Walk – 30th September – Final Stage report

A party of 15 and 2 dogs alighted from the train at Whaley Bridge station and immediately made for the very small passenger shelter in order to don waterproofs. We made our way out of Whaley towards Toddbrook Reservoir and to the tiny hamlet of Taxal. A walk beside the River Goyt followed, to the wall of Fernilee Reservoir where the party was momentarily distracted by several cars of various shapes and sizes awaiting the start of a local hill climb. The rain abated as we made our way alongside the reservoir and when we reached the wall of Errwood Reservoir the sun was shining. Here we stopped for a late coffee/first lunch and were joined by Elen and Scout, who preferring a more energetic start to the walk, had caught a train an hour later than the main party. A gradual climb followed until we reached the old railway line which contoured round the hillside affording good views of the Goyt Valley. A second lunch was taken in the shelter of a wall, before our last climb to Beet Wood. With Buxton spread out below us all that remained was a gradual descent across a waterlogged golf course and a stroll through Serpentine Gardens to the official start/finish of the PDBW in the old market square. As the heavens opened once again we posed for a photograph on the ancient cross. Several members decided to head for home a this point whilst the rest, joined by Charles, enjoyed a meal in the King’s Head.
Thanks to all who came.
I would like to thank everyone who has supported this challenge during the summer, either on foot or by providing transport. The first Stage was walked on the 7th June, and collectively 115 people and 3 dogs have taken part since then. 32 individuals have walked the various Stages, covered 190 miles and climbed 24,903 feet, which is only 4125ft less than the height of Everest! Thanks again to all.

Report on Wharncliffe climbing meet on Sunday 24th September 2017

An excellent and satisfying climbing meet at Wharncliffe today. Four climbers gathered at the allotted time on Station road, below Stocksbridge, to walk up through the beautiful woods and sludgy tunnels to the top of the crag, soon to be joined by two others and their dog. We all then became reacquainted with the challenges here – steep fingery climbs, which all seemed rather hard for their supposed grade, and the area below the crag completely covered with piles of huge rocks, which made for slow progress along the bottom when looking for the climbs we wanted to do next. But the sun shone warmly, climbs were ticked off in the Cheese block and Great Buttress area, before a decision was made late afternoon, to have a look at the classic ‘Puttrell’s Progress’ and so round off the day properly. Gordon Tyrrall bravely led this with much squirming, grunting and heavy breathing, allowing 2 others to follow in similar fashion. So we left the crag suitably tired, and full of admiration for those talented climbers from earlier times, with their very minimal gear.
Vanda Boyd

PDBW Langsett to Bradfield Report 3 Sep 2017

Seven walkers and two cyclists met on Sunday 3 September at Low Bradfield. Having bid cyclists farewell for their hilly tour of various surrounding valleys, we ferried the required cars and walkers and then set off from Langsett Reservoir,. The pace was brisk to match the gusty wind . We headed through pockets of woodland and forestry rich with tasty and very ripe blackberries, but alas not enough time to pick them. We then skirted Midhope Reservoir to emerge on the edge leading to our lunch destination. We stopped for a late morning refreshment, admiring the views down into the Ewden Valley, before challenging ourselves to stand up from ground level without hands. Two members were successful but aided perhaps by sloping ground. Onward to Bolsterstone where the cyclists had just arrived. Lunch took place in the churchyard and a quick visit inside the church followed, to admire the stained glass windows. Entertainment was provided by folk attempting headstands. But remember too long upside down can play havoc with balance and walking skills!
The afternoon stage continued down in to the Ewden valley and in between Broomhead and Morehall Reservoirs. A slight detour here involved a half mile u-turn before we huffed up the other side of the valley. We passed some old quarry workings before descending into High Bradfield. Another slight detour ensued here which meant that we had to complete more unwanted down and up with an even more unwanted wasp sting. The finale of the walk involved a steep descent into Low Bradfield and an unfortunate argument with a dog who didn’t like sticks. Glad to say everyone arrived back at the car park in one piece.
Overall an interesting and varied route. The usual ambiguous route description in the book led to various unanswered questions along the way. For example: When is a wide path a track? But this dilemma, at least, led to the most imaginative list of track adjectives, that I have heard for a long time. 11.8 miles completed on the day and ascent of 1346+ feet or 410+m. Thanks to all who came.

Lawrencefield Meet 3 Sep 2017 report

Under a somewhat grey sky, 10 members and 2 dogs gathered at Lawrencefield where a number of routes were climbed around the gingerbread slab area. Bill skipped up Limpopo Grove while Leon headed through heather and trees to get to the top of Nova. Special mention must go to Jo who showed true grit and determination at the start of Pulpit Groove after rain had made it very wet and slippery. Nice to see Mark who called by to say hello whilst out running with injured fingers. Rain eventually stopped play around 3pm. Judith

Froggatt climbing meet report, Sunday 20th August 2017

12 of us climbed in perfect climbing conditions at Froggatt yesterday. Very enjoyable, routes up to HVS led. David took me up some steep Joe Brown routes, thuggish! Time to get those amazing crack climbing gloves, made jamming so much more bearable .
Ben back on the rock after minor injury, managed to wear his trainers back to the car this time!! Tina and Rosa arrived well before the rest of us, especially David and I!! Mark and Adele coped with 5 hours kip the night before. Scout was as energetic as ever, and was loved by all at the crag. We were there last to leave though…. Great day, nights seem to be drawing in..?? Time to climb, climb, climb! Linda

Sunday walk August 6 2017 – Report

7 members set off from Eyam on a fine morning for this gentle circuit.We took the path past the Boundary Stone and down into Stoney Middleton then followed Stoke Brook to emerge on the road near Calver crossroads. A short stretch along the road brought us to the pleasantly graded path leading up towards Longstone Edge. A coffee break was taken on this section. Excellent views were enjoyed as we worked our way westwards via tracks and paths to the tumulus and small cairn on the southwest edge of Longstone Moor.It was quite breezy here so we descended for 10 minutes until a wall corner provided us with a sheltered lunch spot.Our next objective was Wardlow Hay Cop attained by a permissive path which approached from the south.We then retraced our path for 10 minutes until Cressbrook Dale appeared below. Passing below Peter’s Stone, the summit of which was occupied by a noisy radio playing group, we crossed the road at Wardlow Mires and followed easy paths to Foolow where we treated ourselves (after some debate) to a welcome drink at the pub. The western sky looked threatening as we crossed the fields back to Eyam but we arrived before rain could spoil our day.
Thanks to all for your company.
Frank & Jennifer

Meet Report Burbage North 16/7/17

Lovely day climbing at Burbage North today. Really good quality rock considering it’s so close to the road. 12 climbers headed out under ominous skies and, before long, were rewarded with glorious sunshine and nice breeze which saw the day out.

Plenty of routes bagged with a lot variety. Some big tussles going on and quite a bit of skin left on the crag.

There was a pair of Solomon trainers left where we originally started but I don’t know if they belonged to our group.

Shining Clough will have to wait another year – third time lucky!

Stay safe!


Derwent Cycle 10th July 2017

An unbelievable 426 miles clocked up on the first day of the cycling challenge. 14 cyclists altogether plus a support group of 3 to see the whole assembled group head off from Fairholmes. Well done to us all,
Further cycles this week include
Weds: road ride from Steve’s heading out towards Clumber Park 40 &60 mile options.
Thurs: Lincoln to Sheffield. Contact Dave J
Thurs: evening mountain biking round peak. Details to follow.
Further details follow links on home page to messages.


Mike Doyle’s 70th birthday event 7/9th July 2017 – Report

Despite a rather unpromising MWIS forecast Saturday dawned sunny & clear.
10 members & 3 others walked up past the Flynnon Llugwy reservoir & the steep climb to the ridge above leading to Carnedd Llewelyn .4 bottles of Prosecco & birthday cake were consumed with Mike reading 2 poems from the “Owl and the Crag Rat” collection. Unfortunately,because of his hernia, Mike did not manage a Mick Jagger act or anything else in that vein.
After the summit celebration 5 members of the party peeled off to do Yr Elen while the remaining 8 continued along the ridge past Carnedd Dafydd & Carnedd Fach to Pen-Yr Olewen whose eastern ridge provided an interesting descent – scrambly in places – back to the Ogwen valley.The Yr Elen breakaway group followed not far behind.
There was a party for 20 at the Bryn Tyrch Inn later where Mike,taking a leaf from the Rolling Stones,reminisced on the “good,the bad and the hard times” of his 51 year mountaineering career.
Sunday was another excellent day with lots of sun.
A party of 9 with 2 non members did the hugely enjoyable scramble up the north ridge of Tryfan.Mike’s son Mark was the only person who dared jump from Adam to Eve & back!
The descent was then made down “heather terrace” where the participants dispersed to return home.
A big thank you to all who came and helped make it such a great occasion.

Mike’s 70th, Capel Curig, 8 July 2017

Ffynnon Llugwy road, Tryfan in background, 8 July 2017

South-east ridge of Carnedd Llewelyn

Heading down from Carnedd Llewelyn, 8 July 2017

Summit of Carnedd Dafydd, 8 July 2017

Descent of Pen yr Ole Wen, 8 July 2017

Gill & Mike, Bryn Tyrch, Capel Curig, 8 July 2017

North Ridge of Tryfan, 9 July 2017

North Ridge of Tryfan, 9 July 2017