All posts in Meet Reports

Wildcat climbing Sunday 29 April 2018

Ten of us had a good day climbing at Wildcat, Matlock .and routes from HS to HVS were climbed.
Some of the starts to routes were a little damp but this did not seem to matter. Luckily, the cold wind was blowing over the top of the crag so the climbing temperature was good. It was great to see potential new members Alex and Kyle climbing with us. For some it was the first time climbing on this great crag and even for some the first time climbing on limestone

Agden Rocher climbing Sunday 15 April 2018

ight made it to Agden despite a mixed weather forecast. One of the best views from any crag in the Peak was shrouded in mist, making for very atmospheric conditions. The rock was generally dry but with damp patches making route choice important. Two routes had been climbed by most and leaders were starting a third when the slowly increasing dampness definitely turned to rain.
Climbing was abandoned at about 2pm and everyone was back at their cars before heavy rain set in. We will be back!

Sat 14th April 2018 Winster Bike Ride Meet Report

Long but excellent bike on Saturday covering 45.6 miles from Winster. A bit of shedding winter gear as the day quickly warmed up with plenty of sun. Some lovely country lanes high up with great views. Main roads to a minimum. Lots and lots of lambs being cute as well as a few buzzards in sight. Harborough Rocks stunning in the afternoon sun. Majority of hills in the last half but conquered unwaveringley by the remaining bikers. Good reasons all for others doing alternatives eg animal rescue, planned shortening – although not always to plan given Dick’d previous post.
A long ride on this occasion which will not always be so. Thanks to all who came.

Feshiebridge Easter 2018

Great time and hut this Easter in Scotland. Loads of ticks on tick list crossed off with days out cycling, ice climbing, munro bagging and Corbett topping. Weekend weather particularly good with one of those special beautiful sun and snow days on the hills. Ideal for the Tower Ridge crew but brill for us all. Few drinks, a drop of whiskey and the great craic and company made it a memorable meet.

Meet report The Roaches 8th April 2018

13 members crossed the Peak District for a suprisingly warm day of climbing on the Roaches. Early birds Jane, Pete and Rosa first tackled some damp routes on the lower tier before joining the rest on the upper tier. There we enjoyed a good number of classic starred long routes including Pedestal Route, Jeffcoat’s Buttress , Jeffcoat’s Chimney and Maud’s Garden. The weather was kind, the rock dry and a good day was had by all.

Sunday Walk – February 25th 2018 – report

A party of eight gathered on a very chilly morning and left Upper Booth for Jacob’s Ladder. We were soon much warmer after the steep climb, but on reaching the higher ground on Kinder Low the bitter north easterly wind ensured we did not linger too long to admire the far reaching views over Manchester and westwards towards Buxton. Someone suggested the wind-chill made the temperature feel like minus double figures!
We reached Kinder Downfall, a popular focal point for walkers on such a glorious day. The fall was entirely frozen, and climbers were enjoying the winter conditions. We negotiated the frozen river and pressed on, it being too cold to stop for refreshments. Descending from Sandy Heys we found some shelter from the wind and under a clear blue sky we took our first lunch stop, overlooking Kinder Reservoir. An hour later and having skirted the reservoir we sheltered against a wall and ‘sunbathed’ whilst we had our second lunch. A long and gradual climb followed to bring us to the Oaken Clough path, with good views of South Head and Mount Famine across the valley. The cold wind increased as we ascended to Edale Cross. We then made the final descent of Jacob’s Ladder to Upper Booth, and back to our starting point.
11.5 miles on a superb winter’s day. Thanks to all for your company.

Walk report Sunday Feb 4th 2018

The 12 humans and 1 dog who assembled in Millers Dale were treated to a day of good weather and a varied walk. We crossed the dale and ascended the east side of the nature reserve before heading for Priestcliffe and Taddington. From the centre of the village a narrow path took us out and up to Sough Top, where a wall provided shelter for a coffee stop. By this time we were above snowline, and Ali’s snowman was enthusiastically destroyed by Lial’s dog. Onwards we went through Chelmorton, passing the IllyWilly well and the pub without deviation. The Midshires Way took us toward Deepdale, but a navigational error by the leader took us down too early, to Churn Hole. A pleasant lunch spot was found here though, at the expense of half a km of walk. Down we went to the Wye, and along to Blackwell bridge. A little further downstream we headed up the zigzag track to Meadow, where a deliberate decision was made to take the Pennine Bridleway toward Wormhill, restoring the distance lost earlier. This was possibly not universally approved, especially in the depths of the mud of the path behind Wormhill village. An escape was made through the churchyard and down to the river again. After a short muddy section downstream we climbed back up to the old railway track and back to the cars. A tad over 11 miles in all, in good company. Thanks to all.
and, a welcome to the Castle for Jacky – hope we’ll see you on future events!
Dave C

Ascending to Sough Top

Ali, snowman and snowdog

The White Peak

A slippery descent

Face to face
















Report on Coniston meet Jan 26/27/28 2018

Sorry for the ones who couldn’t make it [recovering from flu, poorly car, gear already far too wet, family commitments, skiing in Tignes, climbing in Spain …..] as we had a really great time. Some arrived early enough to walk above the snow-line and get wonderful views with photos to prove it, and the 2 stoves were lit to welcome later arrivals. All had safely negotiated the long and challenging rough track up to the Coppermines Cottage, and we were joined later that evening by previous member Dave Beynon, who was staying in the youth hostel in Coniston. As predicted, Saturday morning greeted us with low clag and torrential rain [with Dave B. who’d run up from Coniston to say hello again, clutching a mug of tea and dripping in the corner of the kitchen to demonstrate how wet it actually was] so breakfast was a leisurely, protracted affair. But eventually we were stirred into activity, with the nearby Old Man of Coniston our objective. New members Gemma and Kial got out early enough to get there without being blown off the top, but the six of us who’d set off later decided to retreat approx. 300 feet from the summit, when the repeated gusts of wind became so strong, we were all being flattened, and Janet’s glasses were whipped off her head and lost in the gloom. So a sensible and safe return to the welcoming cottage for tea and cake, and again 2 lit stoves to keep it all very cosy. During the night the wind increased even more [‘howling’ would be a fitting description], so it was good to see a smiling Russ safely emerge from his still upright van next morning. Gemma and Kial decided to go for a run, while others made plans to call on relatives or visit a gear shop. Four of us went for a delightful low-level walk from Hodge Close quarries to Little Langdale and back, before setting off back home. Thanks to you all for your excellent and entertaining company [John Murton, Dave Crowther, Russ Clare, John and Janet Hutchinson, Leon Dowling, Josie Davies, Gemma Scougal and Kial Wright] fire lighting skills, and impressive team-work tidying and cleaning the cottage on Sunday, leaving it almost spotless for the next visitors.
Vanda Boyd
PS. Although we did get above the [very small patches of] snow on Saturday, the avalanche risk was zilch, so the ice axe and crampons were not used, although thinking about it later, perhaps an ice axe could have been deployed in the hurricane gusts?

Dovedale Walk 14th January 2018 -Report

11 of us met at the car park above Mill Dale on a dull & chilly morning.Once we were all booted up and ready,it was a relief to get walking and warm up!
Leaving Mill Dale and entering Dove Dale itself we passed a dipper perched on a branch above the river and then a heron incongruously standing about 50 metres inland.
The impressive cave by Dove Holes (scene of the club’s last “whack and dangle” meet in 2007) soon followed.We then crossed the river by Ilam Rock and tackled the steep climb to the top of Dovedale Wood on the western rim of the dale.Continuing past Air Cottage and Ilam Tops farm, we admired the view and the antics of a group of parascenders at the top of Bunster Hill.A short sharp descent then led us to a steady traverse above the Izac Walton Hotel and so to the foot of Thorpe Cloud.Rather than follow others on the uninviting full frontal assault,we took an easier line up the side of the hill before tackling the summit from the rear.Once up we admired more fine views before taking the main switch back descent, with Gavin opting for the more direct route down.
Lunch was taken near the foot of the peak in relative seclusion before we joined the masses congregating around and on the stepping stones.
The main part of Dovedale ,as beautiful as ever. was then followed upstream back to Ilam Rock where we crossed the bridge for a second time.We then completed the walk by following Hall Dale towards Stanshope before crossing over the intervening ridge and descending to Mill Dale.
An enjoyable day out visiting the highlights of this beautiful area.
Thanks to to those who came and for your company.

Dove stones Edge 7th Jan 2018 Meet report

10 people and 4 dogs left Cutthrout Bridge on a gloriously bright and crisp morning. The route went to Derwent Edge, Back Tor, then down to Strines Reservoir. Fun could be had stimulating the CCTV camera at Brogging End, linked to a load speaker, which confirmed we were on private property and the police had been informed. A boggy ascent to Sugworth Tower; sometimes called Boot’s Folly. Wikidedia tells us this was constructed in 1927 by Charles Boot who resided at Sugworth Hall. It was built from leftover stone when the nearby Bents House was constructed. The stone for Bents House came from local disused farms which had been demolished because they were suspected of polluting the waters in the dale. Boot’s Folly may have been constructed to provide work for Sugworth Hall’s workmen during the depression; or Boot built the tower so he could see High Bradfield churchyard where his wife, who had died in 1926, was buried. The interior originally had wood panelling and a large furnished room at the top where the Boot family could enjoy the view. There was a spiral staircase to the top, but this was removed in recent times after a cow climbed the stairs and became stuck. Apparently we missed a set of beautifully carved columns and capitals nearby. These stones are believed to have come from Brunswick Chapel which is at the bottom of Sheffield Moor. The chapel was bombed during the Second World War and Mr Boot was charged with making the chapel safe so brought some of the masonry to his house on the moors. The walk continued through the rhododendron forest at Sugworth Hall to Moscar. Across the A57 to Stanage End and to Jarvis Clough. Gorgeous colours in the low winter light, ice on the flagstones and mitigating the bogs, made a beautiful walk.