18th July Jagger’s Clough walk report

Mike Doyle
Jul 19, 2013
A total of 5 members did the walk including Dave C who volunteered to be the”lost leader” to cover the section I avoided in the interests of my knee.
By 11 am the sun and the temperature were well up ,so gearing up involved shorts for some and sun hats for all.I relied on my trusted “Foreign Legion” hat with integrated neck flap,Dave C used a more English approach with hankerchief attachment and the rest used standard apparel.
Passing 5.5 feet high thistles we headed into Backside Wood and so gained the entrance to Jagger’s Clough where a preliminary lunch stop was taken.After lunch the party split with the 2 knee sufferers taking a short cut to the path junction near Hope Cross and the remainder ascending Jagger’s Clough and completing the full round-no mean feat in the conditions.
Re-united the “famous five” descended to Bagshawe Bridge and the walk back to the cars by the river Noe.
Sadly the inviting “Cheshire Cheese” with prominent ice cream sign was not open as we arrived at the start and it had closed when we called with tongues hanging out at the end!
However “the Old Hall” at Hope provided the necessary long drinks and even a scone enabling the party to rehydrate sufficiently to complete the drive home.
A good walk,but a bit of an effort in the heat!

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