You would have been forgiven for thinking it was the middle of summer at Aldery on Sunday 18th. It was roasting…..a little too hot for some! 15 club members and 1 dog turned up to make the most of the Autumnal sunshine. Julian and Tina continued storming through their leads and everyone enjoyed the classics on a bit of limestone after all the grit. The BMC have cleared and cleaned the right hand section making the whole crag feel more extensive . We could all spread out and Castle voices could be heard shouting encouragement and advice up and down the crag. The response to said encouragement and advice was, shall we say, mixed but all seemed to have a long and satisfying day.
Thanks for the excellent company, hope to see everyone again soon.

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016

Aldery Cliff, Earl Sterndale; 18th September 2016
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