Report on New Year’s Day walk 2025

13 members gathered in unpromising weather near the bus stop by the Fox House at the very civilised time of 11am and were welcomed by this meet leader with a “Happy New Year, you silly buggers” and an outline of the proposed walk – probably not very far if conditions worsened or the Fox House was calling strongly. Then off we set on well known footpaths walking above the crags of Burbage South and then Burbage North, where we were joined by a familiar figure (my lovely husband!) wanting to do an even shorter walk.
At Upper Burbage Bridge 5 peeled off to head directly back down the Green Drive, while the remaining 9 headed upwards to brave the elements over Higger Tor (actually not too awful) before descending through waterlogged ground to the packhorse bridge to join the Green Drive ourselves, and then used the woodland paths to avoid walking on the main road, to arrive at the Fox house, where we managed to secure a corner seating area for a convivial gathering with various drinks (but sadly none of the hoped-for hot mulled wine).
A great start to another Castle year – thank you all for turning up and your usual excellent company.
Vanda B.

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