Report on Braemar meet 28 May – 5 June 2024

8 members found their way to the excellent Cairngorm Club hut near Linn of Dee. 2 had a particularly challenging journey, having to divert via Stonehaven (yes, really) because of an evening road closure.
Everyone had a go at cooking delicious shared meals – and no cases of food poisoning were recorded.
2 people managed a dash to Aberdeen for a night at the opera.
Red squirrels and greater spotted woodpeckers were among the wildlife observed near the hut.
Several people braved a dip in the Dee after their final hill walk, and at least one person swam in mountain lochs.
The local hills held a competition as to which could attract the most Castle ascents. Results:
Morrone 2
Carn Bhac 2
Broad Cairn 2
Beinn Mheadhoin 2
Derry Cairngorm 2
Beinn Bhreac 2
Beinn a Chaorainn 2
Beinn Bhrotain 2 or was it 3?
Monadh Mor 2 ” ” ” 3?
The Cairnwell 2
Carn Aosda 2
Carn a Gheoidh 2
Carn nan Fhidleir 3
An Sgarsoch 3
Creag Leacach 4
Glas Maol 4
Glas Tulaichean 4
Carn an Righ 4
An Socach 4
Mt Keen 5
and the winner…. drum roll…….
Carn a Mhaim 6.

That makes about 61 person hill ascents, 59 of them Munros, and quite a few Munro tops were visited too.
Many thanks to Richard for booking the hut and organising, and to all participants for a cheery and successful trip. John Hutch

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