11th August 2019 meet Report

With music events, festivals and air shows all around the country being cancelled due to bad weather, Wimberry Rocks didn’t stand a chance. So a bad weather alternative was selected, Wharncliffe Crags.

Wharncliffe has a lot going for it but chiefly it’s my nearest crag and as I was organising it so I get to choose. My plan was simple, get to the parking area for 10.30, wait in the car for half an hour whilst watching the rain fall then go home. Job done

Messages on WhatsApp showed that there was some interest but the weather forecast did not fill me with enthusiasm. Sunday dawned grey and overcast but off I dutifully went.

Not surprisingly the Rotherham section of the Club were there in force: myself, Leon, Chris and Jo along with Paul E and two new members Cesca and Lee neither of whom had been there before.

This magnificent seven headed off to the Hell Gate and Himmelswillen area where such classics as Hell Gate (S) and Tower Face (HS3*) were done, then onto Long John’s Stride where Paul E did battle with Richard’s Revenge (VS 4c 1*) and Lee fought gallantly with Lincoln Crack (S). Blood and tears were shed on both. The day was rounded off with Cesca leading the lovely Beta Crack (VD)
Despite grey skies and the occasional spot of rain, against the odds we had an excellent day.

Sunday 28th July 2019 Birchen Edge meet report

Despite the Meet Leaders optimism, it appears that some people were put off by something called ”rain”? However, he and fiancée [!!] duly arrived at 10am to find prospective member Risa waiting for us. We set out for the crag in dry weather, heading for some modest climbs as Risa had never climbed before. As Vanda set out on the first route, Hugh arrived. Despite very slippery trainers our new recruit soon ascended the starred slab. Time for introduction to gritstone jamming which we all subsequently polished [!!!] off, thanks to Hugh’s lead and Vanda’s intro to belaying lecture.
So far, we’d stayed dry, so our oldest female leader was pointed at a lovely off-width polished crack. Despite overcoming the crux and placing all the gear, she then nobly handed over to Hugh to grab the glory.
At this juncture, the heavens opened but after a slight wobble, the top was achieved, leaving the meet leader to second in a deluge to retrieve the gear. Risa was obviously enjoying herself so much she borrowed Vanda’s rock boots and followed.
After 3 routes, the Meet Leader was discovered not to have led anything, so despite the gentle drizzle we made our way to a chimney, green in parts, wet all over but plenty of gear where all had fun transferring green to clothing, the winner being our new recruit.
To avoid any pre-marital stress, it was now decided, at 2pm, that route 5 was to be ‘Pub Direct’ where 2 soups, 1 beer, 1 hot chocolate and 2 chip butties were enjoyed.
Thanks to those who came and had their characters built even further, it was fun to be out in less than perfect weather for a change.
Pictures on Facebook as soon as my phone’s dried out enough to work [hopefully].
Paul and Vanda

Borrowdale 20th and 21st July 2019 meet report

Ten of us made it to Borrowdale between the Wednesday and Sunday. Walking, climbing, biking, scrambling and wild water swimming all took place. On Saturday some tried to find Millican Dalton’s cave. Millican wrote an article in the 1913 Fell and Rock Club journal advocating camping as an antidote to modern life’s stress. In the summer he lived in a cave near Castle Crag; having given up conventional life as an insurance clerk. He made a living from hiring out light-weight camping kit and guiding people up Napes Needle. On the occasion of his 50th ascent he built a fire on top, brewed some coffee and smoked Woodbines. Some of us tried to find the equally elusive Nitting Haws scramble, ending up on High Spy, and Dalehead. Climbing took place on Raven Crag, Shepherds, Doves Nest and Glacial Slabs, mainly on the less wet Sunday. Bill and Paul also explored Gouther Crag, West of Shap, including the excellent Kennel Wall. Chapel House Farm campsite was friendly and a good base. Maybe next summer we could do a six day Lakes trip, split between two valleys.


Sat cycle 13 Jul 2019 report

A fine team set off from Derbyshire Bridge . Almost immediately we were overtaken by club cyclists and that set the theme for the day. A good ride with long fast descents and ok climbs (Def did it right way round). Stops for cafe and cute alpacas. On the final grind up Goyt valley pride made us take on a group of mountain bikers who were out for a picnic and had music playing while they rode, sadly it was a bit of a struggle. Overtaking their dog was even harder but we dug deep. Thanks to all who came. Elen

Norway climbing trip – May/June 2019

Seven of us – Linda, David, Kial, Gemma, Steve, Chris and Hugh flew to Bergen in mid May to experience the trad. and sports climbing opportunities close to the city. Kari was an amazing host and opened her house to us all, providing great hospitality, which went as far as passing on her cold to Linda and subsequently Hugh and David! Our first duty, the morning after we arrived, was to celebrate the National Day of Norway with a traditional breakfast, with hosts Kari and Randi in national costume, and a street parade. However, we were soon on the rock!
Bergen has an average of 260 days rain a year and appeared to have one of the highest per capita ownerships of Gortex in the world. However, the islands to the west – Sotra and Oygarden – where most of the climbing is, are much drier. We hit a perfect weather window over the first five days so climbed until we dropped. The trad. climbing we did was mostly on granite from single to four pitch routes. The sports climbing was largely on gneiss, characterised by extensive horizontal banding on steep walls. The climbing was never more than 30 minutes from the road but in beautiful quiet locations, sometimes next to the sea. The crags were quiet, especially the trad. ones
Eventually the rain did catch up with us (we began to understand why the guidebooks are published on waterproof paper) so we spent a day in the city and walked up one of the hills that surround Bergen. Another day’s climbing and Steve and Chris were on their way home. Kial and Gemma had a day in the fjords, while the other three also headed there to stay on Amund and Randi’s farm for a couple of nights. We visited a very wet Uskadalen on the way – amazing granite slabs with multi-pitch routes. Hopefully we will get back there one day.
Randi and Amund took Linda, David and Hugh on a very enjoyable Via Ferrata above the town of Odda. It follows old wooden ladders and then staples across granite slabs and walls, beside huge iron pipes which used to supply water for a hydro-electric scheme. From the top there were extensive views along fjords with glaciers above. Following a couple more days on tourist activities, including ferry and train rides and a visit to a medieval stave church, we returned to Bergen. The last days were spent dodging the weather, including two half days climbing and a great evening’s sea kayaking with Laila.
Thanks again to Kari and Randi and we hope to welcome them to the Peak District soon.

Bamford Meet 7 July 2019 Report

12 keen members enjoyed perfect climbing temperatures and fine weather on Bamford Edge on Sunday. Most of the climbing took place on Neb Buttress with some straying rightward to Christmas Buttress (introduced by Chris and not in the so called ‘definitive’ guidebook) and Gun Buttress. There was much debate about both the line and grade of Bamford Rib (HVS?) which was climbed by 3 parties and Oracle provided good sport and photography, being in a fine position. Great day out before the crowds arrived and an early finish for most, except Paul and Andrew who were last seen on Gunpowder Crack having struggled up the first overhang (5b on a VS!).
Mark P

Shining Clough Sun 30th June 2019 Meet Report

9 members, 1 non member and statutory dog attended the Shinning Clough meet. Bill kindly checked another car park to see if Jo and Chris where there but they just arrived later having had much to much fun the previous night. Bill still managed to beat us getting up to the crag as we decided to go the ‘scenic’ way through the heather- meet leader skills sadly lacking. Good climbing and lovely day. Thanks to all.

Meet report Black Rock Sands 22-23 June 2019

2 caravans, 2 camper vans, 1 horse, 1 dog, an assortment of tents large, small and inflatable plus 18 humans (Inc 2 children) turned up in glorious sunshine for the weekend.
Friday night was leisurely apart from gentle trips to the beach, although David and Linda arrived after a day’s climbing.
Saturday was another sun filled extravaganza and several climbing teams headed for Tremadog, Moelwyns (full, so diverted to Ogwen) and elsewhere. A 9 mile walk was also undertaken to Portmerion via tracks and beach, also a free steam train lift back thanks to Vanda. Elen rode her horse and reported great views from the saddle. The meet leader had an exhausting day entertaining a 9 year old on the beach, but the sea was warm for swimming. Horse visiting and feeding also featured as did the rare occurrence of D & L being the first climbers back to the campsite!! As normal, Hugh was last.
Saturday night was bbq night plus “entertainment” from the pub with a loud rock band!! At least we didn’t pay. Food was excellent and thanks to Jo for the whiskey.
Sunday was a bit less sunny but more climbing, cycling and a walk took place, at least that was the plan. All I can say is the walk definitely took place, complete with Shetland ponies.
Thanks to all who turned up, sorry for those who were unable to attend.

Sunday 16th June 2019 Stanage High Neb

Well we all went to High Neb and surprisingly it was quite crowded David, Linda, Leon, Dawn, Mary, Dick, Tom, Lee, Howard, Cesca who arrived just in time for the heavy deluge at 2pm and sheltered with a couple others in a cave only to be wetted by Lance coming in to dry himself, three friends on mine Anne, Ken and Paul who went to Kalimnos last year and was hoping to have his first day’s outside climbing on rock since breaking his ankle there but found it was hard enough just walking to the crag unfortunately, he wasn’t tempted to climb watching us all try through gritted teeth and frozen bodies. Thanks for everyone for persevering as long as you all did. Some of us had a coffee afterwards in Outside. Bill (I must have left someone out I usually do sorry)

Langdale Meet 24-27th May 2019

Some of us got there on Friday, for a fine day of climbing on Scout Crag and walking.
By Friday evening there were 11 of us, a dog and a boy; and we’d made contact with each other on the massive Bays brown camp site.
Saturday was fine. Climbing groups went to Scout Crag and Gimmer. Others ran to Grasmere and the boy got up his first hill.
Saturday night was wet. A late start on Sunday. Most of us headed up Crinkle Gill scramble, which proved impassable due to the heavy rain flooding out the gorge. It looks good for another trip. We cut up to the hillside to finish over Pike o Blisco and cream teas at the New Dungeon Gill.
Monday one group went over to Grasmere and another group headed for Little Langdale via an interesting slate quarry on Lingmell with rain coming through just after 2pm with one group timing it perfectly getting back.
Welcome to new member, Paul.