New Members Weekend 17th and 19th September 2021

Congratulations to Gemma for all the hard work, enthusiasm and great organisation, which resulted in such a successful New Members Weekend. At Awesome Walls on Friday 17th September, eleven members were there to welcome and then climb with nine or ten potential new members.
After a slightly damp start on Sunday, a much larger gathering was eventually blessed with sunshine and blue skies. A total of eighteen members were there, offering a warm welcome and practical expertise to those who perhaps hadn’t climbed outside before, but they were soon seconding on various grades of climb. Some of these potential new members showed such natural skill [and enviable strength and flexibility!] that they were encouraged to do some leading for the first time. So lots of very happy, satisfied people with smiling faces, many of whom I’m sure will want to join our great club.
So well done Gemma!

Bamford meet report 15.08.21

We had an enjoyable , productive and well attended meet. Vanda counted 17 members spread across three buttresses who enjoyed routes graded D to HVS and a good catch-up chat. Showers threatened during the day but missed us closely until 3.45pm when the heavens opened leaving Linda with a damp, gear clearing pitch. Happy Birthday Paul, not a bad way to spend your birthday! Mark Proctor.

Birchens, meet report 4 July 2021

Had a good time, at not the Dovestones Edge meet. Ended up at Birchens, watched big heavy rain showers just miss us.
Did crouch under an overhang during a short sharp rain shower early on. All decided our own pop up cafe under Emma’s dilemma was very pleasant, and amazingly the rock dried in 20 minutes and so lots more routes were bagged.
Excellent turnout, especially considering the forecast. The thunder and lightning echoed around, by mid afternoon, so we scuttled away , gear dry. The roads back were as bad as the one up to Tigne today, on Le Tour!
Thanks to all for some fun and good routes. Linda.

Report of Yorkshire Dales meet in late June 2021

What a stunning location for the club’s first away meet since the start of the pandemic, at Dalesbridge campsite, Austwick. Members stayed for varying lengths of time, some [not seen for months/years] for only one night, but a total of 35 people in all, as well as three dogs, one horse and a parrot [yes, really! – thank you Gordon]. There was climbing at Twistleton Scars and Pot Scar, and cycling on quiet roads [and discovering the best scones ever apparently] and horse riding for one. The Friday walk north of Austwick took in glacial erratics and limestone pavements [so lovely to be in such different scenery from the Peak District]. Saturday’s walk included wild swimmimg for two at Stainforth Force, and on Sunday, 14 of us explored Yordas cave in Kingsdale, followed by watching the local Cave Rescue team competently dealing with an injured motor-cyclist out on the moors, some distance from the nearest tarmac road.
On the campsite, members’ ‘accommodation’ varied from tiny tents [for the oldest members!] to campervans, motorhomes and a caravan. But nothing could compete with the Presidential palace, of a carpeted blow-up tent, with electrical hook-up for the essential fridge and heater!
Culinary delights over the weekend, included a Saturday night BBQ and a variety of excellent tarts/cakes from the boulangerie in Austwick [all made locally by the French chef]. But the prize has to go to the couple who cooked almost the full English breakfast without leaving their sleeping bags.
Thank you everyone for your various contributions to making it such a great meet – I’m only sorry that Paul Gibson, the meet organiser was unable to be there.
Vanda Boyd

Report 19th-20th June 2021 The Roaches

Thanks to Bill for all the weather updates. On Saturday, there were four of us on the Lower and Upper Tier. It was extremely busy and Scouty had a great time socialising with everyone. I had an amazing time! (At one route l could not get off the ground, so Linda very kindly interrupted her lunch time and push me upwards, eventually l managed to grab the quickdraw and pull myself up…lovely route afterwards!)

On Sunday, there were six of us, much quieter than Saturday but the weather kept improving…I had to leave after lunch with bright sunshine because l was exhausted, in a nice way. Everyone else carried on climbing and l think that we all had fun!


Shining Clough 13th June 2021 meet report

Six of us joined this meet. Perfect weather for this venue, high on the north side of Bleaklow.
The starred routes are some of the best on grit. Especially Via Principia, severe. Worth going just for that. As with most crags with a 45-minute walk in – less popular routes can be gritty or need a bit of veg removing. So we focused on the ones we could do! Geoff.

Report for Sunday 9th May 2021 walk

A dry, unusually warm and at times sunny day, saw seven of us head for Emlin trig point past impressively kept grouse butts and only one wobbly stile. Then a tramp over trackless heather moorland to the sound of curlews, led to what is normally a gentle stream, but today was a foaming torrent, which was eventually crossed by team effort. More heather, a coffee stop, the major track of Dukes road got us to the busy (saw 2 other people) Cartledge Stones where we had lunch. On the next section via New Cross (pronounced underwhelming) and more top end grouse butts to shooting lodges, we saw 7 hares. Marvellous. Finally another river crossing over Emlin Dike, much less exciting due to the bridge, led back to our starting point. So the walk was a tad under 8 miles, rough going at times, mostly on new ground to all, with only 3 people getting very wet feet. Thanks for your company.

Walk Report Sunday 2 May 2021

A sunny morning greeted us for our 9am departure from Eyam. Two groups set off for a varied walk, packed with variety and elements of mystery..
The first point of interest was Cucklet Church (a natural cavern where villagers purpotedly gathered for services during the Plague isolation). After photos and mini explorations of the different entrances and exits. we meandered down the delightful Delft nature reserve, enjoying the full aroma of wild garlic.
After crossing the Stoney road, we climbed to the vast expanses of the Darlton Quarries. High above, we spied a railway track and crane, teetering on the edge of the cliff.s. This was the surprise – the film set for the latest Mission Impossible 7 movie starring Tom Cruise. No autographs as no Tom but, undeterred, we marched to the ridge, skirting meadows to take in all the views.
Down a track we stopped for a quick break before continuing to Black Harry’s Gate . We then followed an organic route, with fine views over to Froggat, down to Calver. At the earliest opportunity and following food demands from some, we sat down for lunch, in a small wooded area, amongst a colourful display of bluebells, forget-me-nots, red campion, ground ivy and celandine .
Calver village led to the banks of the River Derwent, the campsite, and then New Bridge. After half a mile we climbed steeply upward to Knoutchley Farm. A few complaints of too many hills were then heard but ignored!
A descent down a rutted lbrougth us to the outskirts of Stoney Middleton. Here we briefly stopped at the springs and the Victorian/Romanesque style bath building, admired the octagonal church (unfortunately not open) and learnt that the village was the first centre for the manufacturing of steel toe-cap boots, The last ascent of the day back , via the Boundary Stone and Plague Cottages, completed the walk.
A 10.5 mile round, quite demanding, but well worth the effort for a rich historical and cultural tour.