A small select group, all 2 of us enjoyed a brilliant day over Torside and onto bleaklow. We took in 3 crash sites as planned. A really good day.
Report for Sunday 20th Feb 2022 walk
Just as I was thinking that it was safe to abandon this walk and go home away from the gales and rain, one hardy soul appeared, keen to keep a promise to join in this meet. As the road to our start point was already flooded and likely to get worse, we agreed to retreat to lower Bradfield and had a pleasant soggy quite sheltered walk admiring the foaming streams and impressive overflow from Agden reservoir. Lots of ponds on the road home too. In retrospect I should probably have cancelled the walk in advance, but in any case it is now saved to enjoy another time. Thanks Chris K for your company.
Sunday Walk report – 6th February 2022 – Totley Moor
Well the weather said it all really.
4 brave souls and soggy scottie dog headed from the shelter of Blacka Moor woods into the headwinds across Houndkirk Moor towards Burbage Edge. And it wasn’t just rain, there were hail showers beating in our faces too. We continued on, splodging through boggy ground. Before long the meet leader took pity on the drenched folk and cut a few corners off the orginal route. This was fortunate and we were blessed with a beautiful double rainbow near Higger Tor. We turned southwards and got slight relief from the weather. The meet leader then decided to make another short cut and the mention of a hot drink at Longshaw cafe was sound to people’s hears. When we arrived at the visitors’ centre we were disgraced to hear that dogs weren’t allowed in the newly renovated cafe. So to not risk people getting cold, we decided to drive on and up over Totley Moor where we saw a herd of red deer. On the descent back to the car, there was a spell of blue skies and it felt almost pleasant.
~9 miles in total. Thank you to Hugh and Alison and Archie for bravely turning up. I hope you’ve dried out!
Photos on facebook.
Crowden walk report 30th January 2022
Eight humans and two dogs took advantage of the weather window between Storms Malik and Corrie to make an enjoyable ascent of Black Hill from Crowden. We were joined by Alison who has moved to Stocksbridge from South Wales and was out with the club for the first time.
The first section of the walk, along Crowden Great Brook, involved a lot more boulder hopping and crossings of the brook than some of the participants had anticipated. But as usually happens karma intervened and the only person to fall in was the meet leader. We then crossed open moorland to the summit of Black Hill, stopping to investigate the remains of the two Meteor jets which crashed on Siddens Moss in 1951.
We descended via the long ridge over Tooleyshaw Moor enjoying extensive views. On Hey Edge we attempted to set a record for the most number of people to attach themselves to a trig point – a fairly hazardous exercise as the trig point was surrounded by a deep moat! The walk ended with an exploration of Great Crowden Quarry. Geoff assured us that he had climbed there in the past but judging by the massive chunks of rock which looked like they had recently come away from the main face we suspected that his routes now lie in pieces at the base of the quarry. Our safe return to the carpark was celebrated with slices of chocolate swiss roll generously provided by Geoff. Paul.
Meet report from Kial’s Wildboar Clough Scramble 23/1/22
8 of us met at Torside reservoir carpark to find the parking God firmly on our side – the ticket machine being out of order meant free parking all round 😊
We set-off at a leisurely pace along the Trans Pennine Trail before heading off into woodland to join the bottom of Wildboar Clough. With very little water flowing we found ourselves deep in the middle of the riverbed hoping across moss covered rocks. We soon arrived at the first major obstacle with each of us finding a different route up the waterfall, Bill taking the direct line and straight up the flowing water!
Several waterfalls later and only the odd damp foot we made it to the top of the clough and headed across moorland to pick up the Pennie Way.
We followed this for a couple of miles before heading West towards the B29 crash site (the whole of Sheffield seemed to have had the same idea, all blindly following there mobile phones) and then to the trig point at Higher Shelf Stones. From here we followed the path West before cutting across moorland, heading North towards Yellowslacks Brook which provided a welcome lunch stop.
We followed this to Wain Stones and then on a compass bearing headed across moorland to pick up the Pennine Way at the top of Torside Clough.
We split up at this point with 3 members opting for the quick way back down the Pennine Way while the rest of us did more rock hoping, stream crossing and scrambling down Torside Clough. We then picked up the Pennine Way and followed this back down to the Trans Pennine Trail and the flat walk back to the carpark.
11.5 miles covered in a thoroughly enjoyable day, thanks to everyone that turned up.
P.S photos on facebook via this link
Recruitment of working groups on the future of the clubroom and length of tenure of committee members
Message from our Vice President Lin Warriss, dated 14 Jan 2022
An outcome of our AGM was the need to establish working groups to look at the future of the clubroom and tenure of committee posts. We are now seeking volunteers for the groups, the briefs for which are below.
We are aiming for small groups (single figures) covering cross sections of the membership, with at least some people with topical knowledge. Groups would initially be convened by a committee member who would look for mutually convenient meeting times but the group could then appoint their own chair and note taker.
We cannot quantify the time demands, but you need to factor in availability for meetings and research tasks, over the next five months or so. Findings and recommendations to be made to the committee no later than June 2022.
- The future of the clubroom. This group will build upon the work already done by the committee to establish whether the club room continues to be an asset to the club and to produce information for circulation prior to an all-member vote. The vote will be held before our next AGM so that any necessary amendments to the constitution may be passed. Consideration should be given to:-
- What might be done to maximise the use and user friendliness of the current clubroom to avoid abandoning a unique asset without due consideration
- Cost effective alternative venues for current and future club activities. (e.g. meetings / socials / training on wall)
- Provision of cost effective, suitable and accessible storage of our library and equipment.
- The length of tenure of committee members. This group will look at the current constitution as it pertains to the committee and produce proposed amendments for consideration at the next AGM. Length of tenure is the main focus but a couple of anomalies have been identified which would benefit from clarification as part of the process.
The current rules limit the tenure of the President and Vice President to 2 years but do not cover any other roles.
Consideration should be given to:-
- Established good practice, whether from the BMC or other clubs of a similar size and remit.
- Encouraging fresh ideas versus losing existing expertise.
- Practicalities such as changing banking authorities every time the treasurer and other signatories are changed.
If you would like to join one of the groups, please email Lin Warriss (Vice President) on linwarriss@aol.com stating which group you would like to join and whether you feel you have any particular knowledge which might support the group. This should be done before Friday 28th January so that the committee can discuss group membership at our February meeting.
Follow up from Lin, dated 21 Jan 2022
Hello again
North Wales long weekend 13th to 16th January 2022
Report on Sunday 16th January 2022 walk
Five of us gathered in Monyash carpark at 10 am on a slightly misty morning, before heading out on initially familiar paths and tracks, to join the Pennine Bridleway heading northwest, south of Pomeroy and under two bridges [not marked in my White Peak map book, for some reason]. After crossing the main A515 Buxton to Ashbourne road, we then walked along unfamiliar tracks with distant views out to the east, meeting quad bikes, cyclists, joggers and dog walkers. Skirting the Sough Top trig point, we dropped down towards Taddington, looking for a suitable lunch spot out of the cool wind. After lunch, on the southern outskirts of Taddington where 5 footpaths meet [always a confusing challenge on an un-recced walk] we were rewarded after opting for the unknown one, by discovering a shelter donated by a baron for the locals to enjoy a nearby playground, and a natural well with surrounding protective wall. The sun came out for the muddiest section of this walk, as we headed south back towards Monyash, joining Wheal Lane above Deepdale and then across fields and numerous stiles [which seemed to get higher, more slippery and with bigger drops each time, or perhaps we were just tiring] back to our cars. Thank you to Mike, Chris, Gavin and Lin for your company, and a special thank you to Chris for her GPS when there was uncertainty of our exact whereabouts. The walk was somewhere between 10 and 11 miles long, completed in just under 5 hours.
Vanda Boyd
Sunday Walk 9th January 2022 – Report
17 walkers set out from Litton in clear dry weather with sufficient sunshine to make it difficult to see in front-somewhat better than the rain and sleet in the forecast!
Half way across the third field it became apparent that another 2 had arrived late and were trying to catch us up.After a short wait the party size then increased to 19 (including 5 non members).We then continued to Cressbrook village following the sloping and muddy path through the woods.
After Cressbrook we descended to Litton Mill before crossing the river and ascending above the disused railway to follow the high level path above Water-cum-Jolley Dale.The disused railway,busy with walkers and cyclists,then led over the Monsal Head viaduct and the tunnel beyond.
Leaving the railway we found an elevated spot well above the muddy path for lunch and then continued past Little Longstone to Dale Farm where a short stretch of road led to the steep wooded bank below Longstone Moor.
A steep pull got us up the bank and onto the moor from where a path led across to Wardlow and then over to an impressive viewpoint above Cressbrook Dale stretching below.Care was needed on the slippy descent to the floor of the Dale,which unlike in its normal summer state, had a fast flowing stream and large pool half way down.
A short walk then led along the Dale to the junction with Tansley Dale.The group then had the option of a short finish up Tansley Dale or a longer finish continuing up the Cressbrook Dale past St.Peter’s Stone with a climb up to the western rim of the Dale and courtesy path back to Litton along the Dale edge.
The party split 50/50 (ie 10/9 !) with each group returning to Litton by their chosen route.
Back in the village some of us rounded off the day with a celebratory pint or a meal in the “Red Lion”.
A great walk in unexpectedly good weather.
Thanks to all who came.
Report on ‘Seasonal Stagger’ on Sun 19th December 2021
At 10am on a rather misty Sunday morning, a cheery group of 10 of us gathered outside our home, for the traditional pre-Christmas Seasonal Stagger. Leaving the houses of High Storrs behind, we dropped steeply down into the Porter Clough valley, to then follow it out into countryside past the tree freshly decorated with baubles [another Christmas tradition] pausing at Oliver’s Bridge, to eventually reach the convenient collection of benches near the top for our coffee stop. Then it was across muddy fields, before skirting around the Lady Canning plantation, and heading for the Norfolk Arms for hot mulled wine. Duly fortified, we then followed the Limb valley gently downhill for a while, before cutting across to Ringinglow Road , the houses of Bents Green and finally the High Storrs allotments. Unfortunately, wanting to be cautious and safe around Covid and Omicron, the expected gathering inside our house for the usual tea and cakes after the walk was cancelled this year. But thank you all for your good company and conversation on the walk [of approx 8 miles] and Paul for leading it.
There are several of today’s photos on the CMC walking WhatsApp.
Vanda Boyd