Win Hill Trig Column

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  • #14337
    Andy Smith

    Does anyone know why the trig point on Win Hill has been
    painted with coloured stripes (see attached photo, taken on
    3rd September)? Is this the start of a trend for
    multicoloured trig columns? I hesitate to suggest a “Keep
    our trigs white!” campaign in case this is considered
    racist. 😉

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    I would suggest a Norwich City supporter. There are 3 that I know of in the club… At least it’s been done neatly!

    John Barnard

    This seems to be becoming a bit of a tendency, and I suspect is a case of “guerrilla maintenance”. Googling “painted trig point” shows up several pictures, though I’m not sure that any of the examples there improve much on plain white (or unpainted). There is also some information in the comments on a OS blog at . The OS seems to have abandoned its former “adopt a trig point” scheme, and has passed responsibility back to landowners (not sure who that is for Win Hill).

    Mike Griffiths

    I went up Win Hill in July and met somebody armed with tins of paint, this individual had done a nice job refreshing the white paint.

    Recently the two stripes appeared and apparently (see attached), there has been a lot of chatter on the Dark Peak Fell Running group regarding this, with a mixture of comments.

    Anyhow, I went up Win Hill last night and the stripes have been painted over! It’s not a very good job not many layers and you can still see the stripes.

    I’ll check the discussion at Dark Peak!

    vanda boyd

    Well it’s not Norwich City fans, wrong colour, they’re green and yellow. Leeds are blue and yellow on white but too neat for a Leeds fan.

    Russ Clare

    Purple and yellow – so looks like a rogue Dark Peak Fell Runners stunt. Original club colours combined predominantly brown (to represent peat) with green (grass), purple (heather) and yellow (sun). Just fished my old DPFR hat out and notice all colours are represented, but no green in the club strip now looking at runners on Google images. Perhaps the perpetrator didn’t want to lug a large tin of brown paint up the hill to compleat the job.

    BTW, this is nothing new – I recall hearing about trig. point paint jobs in DPFR colours in the last century (no dates, no names!).

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