Wharncliffe, Foundry, Stanage, Wharncliffe meet report 21 and 25/10/18

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  • #12825
    mary reape

    The die was cast at 6.0pm Saturday when the meet leader checked the forecast, for showers from midday on the Sunday, and diverted the meet to the Foundry. Sunday dawned – bright and sunny. The meet leader dutifully exhausted himself on all the self-belay routes available at the Foundry – meeting up with Jo for lunch, and then moving out to sunny Stanage. There we met three other Castle members – who had been sunning themselves for the morning. The drizzle dutifully arrived – the others left – we did a couple of climbs, walked through the glorious plantation woods and back over Carr Head rocks in the late evening light. Went over to Wharncliffe on Thursday – did some fine routes in the Hell Gate area, and green stuff around Long John’s stride. Wharncliffe deserves another meet.

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