A very big and heartfelt thank-you to all you members who came to help me celebrate my 70th birthday at the ceilidh on Saturday 10th December. I hope you all had a great a time as I did. It was pure joy watching my family, and friends from the different strands of my rich life, coming together to celebrate with me, mingling together, talking, laughing and dancing to the great music of the Well Dressed Band. [several band members told me at the end of the evening what a pleasure it had been to play for such an enthusiastic group of people, who didn’t need any encouragement to get out there on the dance floor].
The food you brought to share was delicious and varied [and had all but disappeared by the time we came to clear up – a great help] and a very big thank you to Rosy for the wonderfully yummy birthday cake – there is still some left for our enjoyment in the coming weeks.
Thank you for the many beautiful cards I have received, and your generous donations to ‘Medecins Sans Frontieres’ – allowing me to send them a cheque for £150.
It doesn’t feel too bad becoming 70 after all!
Best wishes and love, Vanda