A smaller than usual contingent of Thursday walkers (Hugh and me, no dog) assembled by Broomhead farm ready for the rest to arrive. By 11.05 there were no more, so we decided to set off heading into a gale and stinging rain with the vague idea of turning back after a nominal stroll. Neither of us daring to be the first to quit and in the knowledge that we’d turn down wind after an hour, we carried on.
Dropping deeper into the valley gave some relief, as did rain and sleet turning to snow, its much softer on the exposed bits. Rising up again to a shooting cabin gave us more exposure and abandonment of the traditional coffee stop, probably because a. We had no coffee and b. We didn’t want to stop. Continuing past some very well made shooting butts(reminiscent of WW1 trenches) we soon ran out of good path and had to follow sheep tracks for a few hundred yards before reaching the Duke’s Road path. With the wind behind now and in quite heavy snow we made fast progress back towards civilization. On reaching the road we crossed and descended towards Broomhead reservoir, stopping for a quick snack in the nature reserve, as the precipitation eased. After a long descent we reached the water but almost immediately began the ascent towards the grounds of the now demolished (in 1980) Broomhead Hall. Passing the farm we returned to the start in 15 minutes under 3 hours, the last 20 minutes giving us another wetting. 6.4 miles.
An area little used by the club, maybe this walk could be revisited on another Thursday.
Couple of pics on Facebook very soon.
Paul Gibson