The club needs you! Committee posts vacant.

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  • #22856
    Geoff Nichols

    We have at least 3 committee posts vacant from this November’s AGM. The club is run by its members for its members. This makes it what it is. If you’d like to consider being on the committee or would like to talk about what it involves, please get in touch by email or talk to a committee member. We’d be especially keen to welcome new members on the committee. We have a post specifically for someone who has only been with the club for a year.

    The committee meets about 5 times a year. Usually Monday evenings at the club room. We focus discussion on what needs to happen to make the club work. Usually people join for a year or so, get involved in things they are interested in, then maybe move into one of the roles which need more work. But there are no expectations of this. Committee members are appointed at the AGM in November. Anybody can stand for any position. If we have more nominations than places [not usual] we’d have a vote.

    Apart from the committee there are lots of other opportunities to help: running meets, organising social events, maintaining the clubroom, cooking at the dinner, helping with the library, etc. If you’d like to get involved talk to a committee member on a meet.

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