Sunday November 13th – Special Event

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  • #3259

    Billed in the Meets List as a Special Event, this is a guided walk by Bill Gordon, Warden of the North Lees/Stanage estate.

    Bill’s tour takes parties through the estate visiting as many as 14 sites/points of historical interest, following in the footsteps of Bronze Age farmers, Medieval traders and the quarrymen of the Industrial Revolution, as well as including the Elizabethan manor which inspired Charlotte Bronte’s Jayne Eyre.

    We meet at Hollin Bank (Plantation) car park GR238837 for a 10am start. Bring own lunch and the usual outdoor gear.

    We are in the hands of our guide as far as time and distance are concerned, but my guess would be 4hrs and 5k maximum.
    Bill has agreed this tour for the Club, so it would be nice if we had a good turn-out.

    His normal charge is £5 per head. On this occasion he will be giving of his time ‘free’ as he wishes to donate his fee to the ‘Heart for Hathersage’ project, a scheme which commences shortly to re-generate the village centre to make it more attractive and visitor friendly.

    Family and friends welcome. Please contact me if you have any queries.

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