This is one of my favourite moorland crags, high up with spectacular views down and excellent climbing for all grades. Martin Whittaker did a new route in 1986 as did Chris Wright, a Castle member. The latter named his route Little Red Pig, and I am told it was reference to me and my second hand fleece which shed red fluff everywhere. Not sure where the Pig bit came from….was I oinking a bit!! Its in the definitive Over the Moors guide, plus some select ones.
It is well worth the drive, weather permitting. Note if weather looking iffy, will post an alternative on Saturday.
It is above the Woodhead reservoir just off the A628 just before you get to Crowden. Parking is just off the B6105 by the SW corner of the reservoir. Meet at the car park at 10am to walk up together or see you up there. Sharing cars could work for some so let me know if you plan to come and we could organise car shares if you want. cheers Linda.