Sheffield Community Bike Project Update

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  • #22938
    Paul Embley

    Hello Castle Mountaineering Club,
    Hope you are keeping well. I’m reaching out because I think that your members will be interested to know that Sheffield Community Bike Project has secured a new home, in the heart of Sheffield, on King Street. Can you help us spread the word?
    In our new shop we will:
    # Expand our offer of ‘Pay-what-you-can, assisted DIY cycle maintenance’
    # Run more bike maintenance training for volunteers, partner groups and the public
    # Refurbish more donated bikes and sell them at affordable prices
    We’d really appreciate it if you could pass on these two things to anyone you think might be interested:
    1. We are hiring for two part time paid co-ordinator roles:
    Project Co-ordinator – ideally this would be someone with some project management skills and administrative experience
    Volunteer Co-ordinator – someone who can foster our volunteer team and write the policies
    2. We are pleased to announce the launch of Sheffield Community Bike Project’s Crowdfunder.
    Please donate as much as you are able and share far and wide with your networks.
    Thanks so much for your help in getting the word out there.
    Best wishes,

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