Report on Thursday Walk 6 March 2025

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  • #23815
    Andy Smith

    13 members assembled at Chatsworth House under clear blue
    skies and sunshine – a perfect Spring day. The initial
    section of our walk was the steep climb up many steps to
    the Hunting Tower, but we all reached there without
    incident. After this initial strenuous uphill section,
    the walk became essentially flat on tracks though
    Stand Wood. We paused briefly at Emperor Lake, before
    continuing to Swiss Lake (now drained), the site of
    our coffee break. The spot we had identified on our recce
    was occupied by earth moving equipment, apparently
    repairing the dam, so we chose a nearby alternative.
    After coffee we continued along the track to the gate and
    stile at the edge of Stand Wood. A little way before we
    reached there, two of the party split off, to return by a
    shorter route. The remaining eleven of us wandered down
    the path to Beeley Hilltop Farm, the only boggy section of
    the walk. The way led through the farmyard and down to
    Beeley village. On the way we stopped for our lunch break
    and to enjoy the view. From the village we crossed fields
    to Beeley Bridge, crossed it, and then followed the west
    bank of the River Derwent before crossing it to return to
    the cars. Our peaceful return was interrupted by two
    fighter jets screeching across the sky above us. The day
    was rounded off by a visit to the café.
    Distance 5.5 miles. Ascent 600 feet. Andy & Rosy.

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