Report on Thursday 14th September walk

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  • #21083
    vanda boyd

    Seven of us gathered in the large layby on the road at the top end of Deep Dale, before heading down Wheal Lane [after this meet leader had rectified her accidently left-on car sidelights – thank you Chris for spotting them]. Those striding away at the front paused at each possible turn-off to check that they were still going on the correct route, except when just south of Taddington, they missed the slightly camouflaged stile, and were then made to retrace their steps like naughty children. There were grumbles about stinging nettles, especially from the one wearing cropped trousers, but she then came off much better in the ensuing very wet long grass. But good humour soon returned as there was an unexpected large bench for our coffee stop, and then we walked along Hades Lane skirting the northern edge of Taddington, before climbing up the hill to pass Sough Top trig. point, and shortly after that, stopping for lunch on Sough Lane. Heading south along the appropriately named Green Lane, with grass growing along the middle, we reached Flagg, where ‘fairy fingers’ fungus [also known as white worm coral, white spindles or Clavaria fragilis!] were spotted near our path through the luxuriant grass. Leaving Flagg, we walked east along a short stretch of road, before taking a familiar path across several fields back to our cars; a total of 7 miles. .
    Thank you all for a very enjoyable, only slightly damp, day out.
    PS. The damsons were safely delivered to one grateful recipient in Sheffield.

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