North Wales Feb 2017 meet report

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  • #3667
    Andrew Milne

    The only sound was the crunch of snow beneath boots as eight club members gained the summit of Creigiau Gleision. There was not a cloud in the sky as the walkers adjusted their sunglasses against the low winter sun which was highlighting the snow covered peaks of North Wales standing majestic under clear blue skies.  Across the valley a lone skier could be seen weaving their way off the summit of Pen Llithrig Y Wrach … and then I woke up!
    Nine of us had arrived at Blaen Y Nant, the beautifully situated hut of the Mynydd Climbing Club, on the Friday night in reasonable weather which by Saturday morning had changed into gale force winds and torrential rain. Charles having broken his dentures decided to head home and find a dentist. It took the remaining eight of us until 11.20am to suit up and brave the elements. We ended up in a café outside Capel Curig (much to the surprise of the owner) where tea, coffee and freshly baked scones were enjoyed. Despite the rain sights such as the Cyfgyg falls, thunderous following the rain, made the walk memorable for the right reasons.
    Once back at the hut the walkers recovered by consuming Bombay mix and tea (and beer). Later in the evening the kitchen came under the direction of Leon as two types of curry (chicken and quorn) poppadoms, onion bhajis and chapatis were prepared. We were joined for the meal by ex club members Greg and Sue and two women from a Manchester University walking club (who have sent me a thank you email saying how nice we all were!). Suitably stuffed the party moved to the sitting room where a roaring open fire had been built; this encouraged the odd drink or two to be taken along with the odd tune from Gordon T and song from Dave C.
    Things hadn’t improved much on Sunday morning. Mike and Alan went to look at Aber Falls that were apparently very impressive. Some others went to visit friends. Ali and I along with Dave went to the Ffin y parc art gallery and looked at some stunningly good and some disturbingly bizarre paintings. Coffee and cake served there were very good.
    Thanks to all who came for supporting a weekend that was socially very enjoyable (and a good test of waterproofs!).


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