New Members Meets 22 and 24 April 2016

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  • #2525
    David Pendlebury

    Dear All,

    The Club is organising two weekends aimed at at attracting new members. this year. The first is this weekend!!

    The weekends are this weekend, 22-24 April and 6-8 May 2016 and include indoor and outdoor climbing on both weekends.
    For both Friday 22 April and Friday 6 May we are meeting at Awesome Walls from 6pm.
    On Sunday 24 April we are meeting at Stanage Popular End from 10.30am and on Sunday 8 May we are at Birchen Edge from 10.30am.
    It would be great if as many people as possible could make these events to show how vibrant our club is. We have had excellent sociable times in previous years so put the dates in your diaries even if you are not a climber. We especially need good photographs for the website and for future publicity. The website gives further details of the weekends.
    Note that Club members get discount at Awesome Walls.

    Thank you to all those who have responded previously. Please let Linda or me know if you can help out for any of the sessions if you have not already done so.

    David Pendlebury

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