Meet report – Seasonal Stagger 2014

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    David Crowther

    We started with 18 humans and one canine, met another 7 humans for lunch, returned with 25 then were joined by 5 for tea, so a good turnout for this popular event in the club’s calendar. The route, according to the Gibson GPS, was 9.8 miles with 1700 feet of ascent – short for a normal Sunday walk but fine for a stagger on the shortest day of the year. A slight extension after lunch was declined by majority vote, with tea and cakes proving the stronger incentive.

    The weather proved better than forecast, with only light drizzle and mild winds, and the party made good progress from Crookes down to and along the Rivelin valley. We had enough time for a coffee stop at the old corn mill site before the climb up to Lodge Moor and lunch at The Sportsman. The carvery was popular, along with the well-kept Landlord, allowing a comfortable wait for the 4-strong cycle party and those joining for the afternoon only.

    Return along the edge path was quicker than the outward journey, and we were back at Glebe Road by 3.30 to find that David P and Mary had already arrived by bike and had made the first brew! A pleasant social followed, with the club’s large teapot being refilled many times and much banter enjoyed. The popularity of the cakes meant that only a small dent was made in the mince pie mountain, much of which was redistributed among departing members.

    Many thanks to all who brought food, and to Chris H for a valiant day’s baking on Saturday.
    Happy Christmas and New Year everyone, see you in 2015.

    Dave C

    Andy Smith

    According to Memory Map the distance was 7.8 miles with 1400 ft of ascent. Perhaps Paul should get his GPS checked. Dave says there were 18 (humans) on the outward leg. I counted 19: Dave & Chris, Andy & Rosy, Steve & Sue W, Paul & Vanda, Linda & John, Gavin & Debbie, Greg & Sue, Linda M, Chris K, Mike D, John C, Hugh D. 23 on the return leg: outward party plus Ali, Marion, Martin & Pat. 4 cyclists (Andrew, Dave, Mary & Leon), 3 others at the pub (Caroline, Gordon & Chas) plus one extra at tea (JB). A total of 31 by my reckoning. Anyway a great day out. How am I doing in the pedant competition? Happy Christmas everyone!

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