Meet report : Alternative walk, Ponoch,Costa Blanca 5th March 2015

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    David Pendlebury

    Linda, Pat, Martin and I could not make the Chatsworth walk so we arranged an alternative of our own. We left the parking above the Polop Paradise urbanisation at 10.30am as we did not think anyone else would join us. Crossing a stream bed, we followed a rough track uphill through scattered woodland. After a brief stop for a drink the terrain steepened significantly. Progress was steady and height gain significant. Linda complained about the missing tea break due to no flask being brought. We had to move in single file as the route was narrow until we gained less steep ground. Here, Martin noted that it was almost one o’clock so we had a break for a drink and snack under a lonely pine tree. The wind was cool so we soon traversed acreoss the side of the mountain and scrambled downwards to steeper ground. Pat questioned whether abseiling was allowed in ‘the rules’ for Thursday walks, but as we had no choice two abseils brought us back down to easier ground and the path back to the parking area. A select group but a great day out with no sign of rain or snow. See the website for photos of the day.

    Linda McLeish

    Just going to look at the photos….!!!!

    Linda McLeish

    found them in meet reports.

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