Payment is now due for the Lundy trip (30th May – 4th June). The cost is £137 per person (£48 for campsite / £89 boat fare).
Please pay via the club account using “Lundy” as a reference. The account details are: Name – Castle Mountaineering Club, Number: 33659703 Sort Code: 09-01-56.
Just a reminder that the following 17 people have signed up for the trip: Matthew Biggins, Rosie Twambley, Bill Boley, Kathy Burgess, Hugh Dowling, Helen Dunnet, Paul Embley, Steve Hall, John and Judith Hutchison, Linda McLeish, David Pendlebury, Geoff Nichols, Richard Pegram, Mark Procter, Mary Reape, Gordon Riley,. Please let me know ASAP if you can’t make it – once you have paid you will be expected to try to find a substitute if you have to cancel.
PS I’ll be sending out an email soon with information about sailing times, parking whilst on the island, and camping options if you’re not camping on Dartmoor beforehand. I’ll also set up a Lundy WhatsApp group so that people can coordinate travel arrangements, climbing partners etc.