[Something seemed to go wrong with my first effort to post this, and it didn’t appear on the website message listing, so I’m trying again. Apologies if you’ve already received it as an e-mail]
As you will have seen from the new Meets List, members of the Castle Club and their partners are invited to help celebrate my 60th birthday on the first weekend of March.
I am organising a ceilidh, which will take place at the Lomas Hall, Church Street, Stannington, Sheffield S6 6DB (just round the corner from my house) on Saturday 5th March 2016, with music provided by the Well-Dressed Band. The evening will start with a “bring-and-share” buffet from 7.0pm, with the music starting at 8.0pm. To avoid too much duplication/omission, please let me know in advance what you can bring (savoury or sweet) via 0114 233 3170 or john@johnbarnard.me.uk. There is a fully-stocked cash bar at the Lomas Hall.
On Sunday 6th March (my actual birthday) there will be a rather gentle walk, probably centred on a lunch stop at the Grouse Inn, near Froggatt at 12.0. Details will be announced at the ceilidh, and (if I remember) posted on this message board.
Looking forward to seeing you.