Harpur Hill Quarry Sunday 23rd June

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  • #22573
    Andrew Milne

    Dear All
    At last here it is at last the meet all you sports climbers have been waiting for at what many people regard as the Peak’s finest sports crag (and there are some top notch trad routes).
    The crag can be accessed from the Harpur Hill industrial estate. From the village take the Grinlow Road for 250m and turn left into the industrial estate. Follow the road for 500m past a go-cart track on the right to a bus stop on the left. Parking is available for about six cars. Walk back to a sharp bend and go through a gate and follow footpath along edge of field and on into the quarry.
    I hope to be at the parking at 9.30-10.00
    I’m thinking of starting in the sector called ‘The Sanctuary’ which has a number of easy routes and can be found on the right as you enter the quarry.
    Details are on UKC:
    Best to share cars as parking is limited
    Get back to me if you want a lift or more details

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