Harpur Hill climbing Sunday 17 June 2018

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  • #12175
    David Pendlebury

    A good turnout on a dull but warm day. Thomas cycled from Sheffield and Bill drove from just down the road. We were generally impressed by the quality of climbing on the Upper Tier crags where we spent most of the day. The routes were also longer than on some of the other sectors, with some climbs being thin wall climbs and others being steeper with big holds. We mainly sports climbed but Nathan led a trad. VS route on the lower tier. Unfortunately the mist rolled in at about 4pm wetting the rock, although some had managed half a dozen routed by that time.

    Millstone on Tuesday was also well attended. We had to share the crag with the Buxton, Congelton and Peak clubs but there seemed plenty of routes to go round.. The weather was warm but windy so no midges were seen and routes from Severe to E1 were climbed. It was good to see Tim Miller who was there with the Congelton club.

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