Galloway meet, September 16-17th

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    David Crowther

    A chance to visit a quiet corner of Scotland with opportunities for walking, climbing, cycling (on and off road) and even canoeing (Ali & Andrew!) at a nice time of year. Good wildlife watching and dark skies too!

    We will be staying at the Balloch o’Dee campsite ( just west of Newton Stewart and on the edge of the Galloway Forest Park. As well as camping the site has some interesting indoor accommodation which may appeal (see below).

    There is climbing both inland to the east and on the coast to the west, described at

    Off-road cycling is plentiful in the forests, including the 7 Stanes centres at Kirroughtree and Glentrool

    On road there are quiet minor roads through great scenery.

    Walkers are also well catered for with both coast and hill walking

    Loch Ken provides nice canoeing, and there are other places too

    What more could one ask?

    At the campsite I have a hold on the Ranch House, which looks great and sleeps 8 (2 doubles and 4 bunks). Cost for this is £80 per night for the whole and it may appeal to the more midge-attractive among us. It is available Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Please let me know ASAP if you wish to book a place in this (money to be paid soon as well). It’s a fairly long drive so staying the extra night will be worthwhile.

    David Crowther

    Links from this text do not work from the email distribution, but are fine from the web messageboard, so please try there to see what’s on offer
    (another thing for Digital Nomads to look at, Andy?)

    David Crowther

    I have booked the Ranch House at Balloch o’Dee for Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights (15, 16, 17 Sept) so please let me have definite intentions and I’ll collect your money!! There are 2 double beds and 4 bunks.

    As a sideline, I have booked a ticket to see Joan Shelley at Penrith on the Saturday evening. It’s a bit of a drive, but then she is over from the USA so not far comparatively. I’ll do a walk or cycle over that way in the day then head to the concert, would be happy to have company. If you haven’t come across her, have a listen (if you are seeing this on email then you will have to read on the CMC website to get the links). There’s wood-fired pizza at the venue too.

    C-Art Soiree ft Joan Shelley

    David Crowther

    Will those wishing to stay in the Ranch House please let me know by email, and pay £33 each to either myself or Mike (if paying Mike by bank transfer then please mark it Galloway). This sum covers 3 nights (Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights).. First paid, first in!!!
    Thanks, Dave

    David Crowther

    We have had one late cancellation from the Galloway meet, so if anyone would like to join us in the Ranch House then please call or text me.

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