First aid training

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  • #16015
    Alison Milne

    The BMC are offering funding to clubs to help combat extra constraints of running events during Covid. As a Committee we agreed funding, if successful, could be well spent on outdoor first aid training. Perhaps priority should go to members who are leading activities., especially walks and cycle rides as these are the predominant activities at the moment. I have contacted Al Cash who says he can deliver training and charge on a sliding scale according to uptake. Training would be over 2 days. If you are interested in completing a first aid accredited course please let me know directly via txt or WhatsApp or email. There is no guarantee of places as much is subject to a successful funding bid. Obviously there may have to be separate Tier courses if present restrictions continue but as life has to e dynamic at present no further information can be given at the present time.
    Regards Ali

    Gemma Scougal

    Hi, On a related note, I’m not sure if the club keeps records of who’s got first aid quals etc. but I’ve got full outdoor first aid certification.

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