Evening meets survey

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  • #10654
    Peter Hammond

    Hi Paul,
    Below is a response from Jane, Dick Murton and myself
    1A) Reminders of evening meets was very useful. Suggest continue next year.   

    1) Choice of venues should cater for all abilities especially with an easier element so new
    members learning to lead are catered for. There is nothing wrong with going to Stanage
    bearing in mind the huge variety of climbing areas plus it’s easy access.        
    2) If members turn up without a partner we have found they are always encouraged to join
    whoever is there. We just need to make sure the “singletons” are looked after.       
    3) We have contacted other members prior to turning up however a better system could be implemented
    i.e. if you intend to go leave a message on the message board. We have been remiss in not messaging but we know Gordon has used this successfully.
    4) A meet leader would definitely help. Encouraging people to go is always positive plus if the weather is bad
    then the designated person could suggest an indoor venue etc. May be an idea to have Castle flags which can be stationed by the meet leader where we
    are climbing. Might attract some interest from other climbers who just might join!
    5) Earlier starts have already been done by members but again leaving a message on the message board
    would assist others to come bearing in mind there are many pensioner climbers plus others with odd working
    6) The current “retired” gang meet on a Friday lunchtime at Awesome Walls during the winter – good turn outs
    to date. This is purely a winter arrangement. When there is enough evening light we should be out during the week on the rock. If there is a mid-week climbing
    event on we wouldn’t want another on a Friday.
    7) We feel the current arrangement of alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays is not a good idea as it does not encourage
    regular attendance. Two of our nearest clubs meet on a set day. Congleton meets on a Tuesday,
    Peak meets on a Thursday. We appreciate the arguments against a set date but as alternative Tuesdays/Wednesdays
    hasn’t boosted numbers we feel it is worth giving a set day a trial for next year. We would prefer Tuesdays. 
    Pete, Jane and Dick 

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