As Spring Bank Holiday is likely to be very busy I am sending out the information for the Northumberland meet early and would encourage anyone interested to book as soon as possible – particularly if you need hard-standing and/or electric hook-up. The area is good base for climbing at Crag Lough and Peel Crag and for walking and cycling along and around Hadrian’s Wall.
The campsite details are:
Hadrian’s Wall Campsite Melkridge NE49 9PG
Contact: 01434320495
You can book online or by phone and a 50% deposit will be required. Please mention that you are with the Castle Club (though it might not be possible to group us all together).
Please contact me if you need any more info and let me know if you have booked. I will start a WhatsApp Communities group nearer the time.
Paul E
We have now booked in to both the May bank holiday weekend meets. We are going up a few days early for both of them with the intention of some cycling on quieter roads than at the weekends.