Dec 29th meet report

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  • #3478
    David Crowther

    The weather favoured us with sunshine and blue skies, enough to tempt 20 humans and one dog out to Redmires for a head-clearing walk between the excesses of Christmas and New Year. Starting along the conduit proved useful because the designated car park filled up and several vehicles parked on the road. Once rounded up the party paused for a rendering of Happy Birthday and for pink balloons to be fixed to the meet leader. We descended to the Headstone where the meet leader wimped out of a solo ascent but gnome-photos were taken. Jo, Ann and Kish then left us and we carried on down and over the bridge. A sunny spot by a wall provided a coffee stop before crossing the A57 and ascending to Crawshaw Lodge and its pogoing dobermann. Up and over the ridge we went then down through Royd’s Clough to a lunch stop at Corker Walls (a pity that Tom wasn’t with us). The return route was up, down and up again, and leaving the lunch stop halfway round at 2pm the leader began to wonder whether this would be the first Thursday walk to finish in the dark. Not quite, although the sun was below the horizon on the return, and the final slope up was interestingly icy. It seemed that the leader’s bit of string must have stretched in route planning because the GPS recorded 9.3 miles. Happily the leader was let off a reprimand and we enjoyed refreshments at Glebe Road, with a second round later on. Thanks to all who came out to help celebrate another old git reaching state pension age.

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